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2017/03/03 14:15:58瀏覽453|回應0|推薦7 | |
President Trump’s car: new ‘Cadillac One’ to be rolled out for the Donald’s inauguration - President-elect Donald Trump's Cadillac One limousine is set to make its debut on Inauguration Day. The first look at the presidential car also known as The Beast, reveals its features will be more impressive than some of the past 'beasts' used by his predecessors. The Cadillac will be equipped with weapons including tear gas cannons, a shotgun, and even bottles of the President-elect's blood type in case of emergencies, reports said. The limo's doors and windows will be bulletproof and sealed off to withstand chemical and biological attacks, which means only the driver will be able to roll down the window to pay tolls.
美國總統的座車因為是由通用汽車旗下的豪華汽車品牌凱迪拉克車型為基礎,因此稱為凱迪拉克一號(Cadillac One)、豪華轎車一號(Limo One)或者因為它龐大堅固的體型直接被稱為「野獸」(The Beast)。 而車上的防禦系統非常全面,車體是由所組成多種堅固的材質組合而成,包括鐵、鋁等,而且足足有5英寸(約12.7公分)厚。而四個輪胎皆是克維拉(Kevlar)材質組成,有防爆的功能,裡面的鋼圈也很堅固,在爆胎的情況下仍可以安全行駛,以利於總統脫逃出危急的場面。底盤也由鋼筋所組成,以防路邊炸彈。油箱則也由防彈材質所組成,裡面還有特殊的泡沫來避免車體在翻覆時爆炸. Inside Trump's Cadillac One: The New Beast will debut on Inauguration Day with emergency blood, tear gas cannons and doors so heavy they cannot be opened from the inside.
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