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2017/02/28 00:45:47瀏覽773|回應2|推薦7 | |
Since the 1940s, military aviation has developed four generations of jet-powered fighters and with fifth generation fighters coming to the fray now. Following the United States, Russia and China, other countries are designing multi-role fighters with the latest technology. 當前世界上只有美國,蘇聯與中國擁有第5代隱形戰鬥機,中國雖然殿軍,但是J-20.J-31是不折不扣的隱形戰鬥機,假以時日J-20B.J20C.J-31B.J31C都會出現,根據西方軍事情報界的分析認為中國將在自製型的航空母艦配置J-20B,在081直昇機攻擊艦配置J-20C垂直起降戰鬥機? 同時會參加環太平洋軍演與美國航空母艦的艦載機一較高低. 同時西方情報界認為中國在2025年完成自製型核子動力航空母艦CVN18.CVN20.就會以電磁彈射起飛J-31B.J-31C等戰鬥機.? 當然中國是否以自製型核子動力航空母艦戰鬥群作為攻擊台灣收復台灣的利器,西方戰略專家認為80% 左右,會以攻擊台灣作為最佳的戰略計劃,2025年台灣大致上以無法抵抗中國任何的軍事攻擊,如果美國出售F-35.F-35C隱形戰鬥機給予台灣? 430億美元要在7年以時價的話黃金交付,因為奸詐陰險的美國知道美元只不過是印刷機印製的,沒有價值,我美國人要印多少就有,可憐又可悲的無知台灣人,那裡知道其中的國家機密? 那麼2018-2025,這7年期間建造的F-35有限供應台灣只不過72架? 這樣一來與台灣要求美國出售60架F-35B與210架F-35.有極大的差距如何因應2018 年的換機潮,因為2018年台灣78架的Mirage-2000E戰鬥機就屆齡退休,因為法國早已告知台灣當局無法再供應飛機零件,而且300架的F-16也因為升級F-16v,失敗而宣告終止.2015-2016美國智庫就建議台灣當局,不要沉迷購買F-35隱形戰鬥機,而需要擴大反彈道飛彈西系統,以反制中國的攻擊,因為飛彈系統成本低,且有效率,比較F-35隱形戰鬥機更容易操作保養.台灣當局決定成立飛彈軍,以對抗中國的火箭軍,當然鹿死誰手是非常清楚的,因為台灣的飛彈數量與質量都落後中國,真正戰爭時,台灣的飛彈1小時就已消耗完畢,那麼剩下來的時間,就是中國東風飛彈系列表演的時間,台灣還要撐多久?
Fifth Generation: The Most Advanced Fighter Jets of 21st Century.
The F-22 was manufactured as a heavy multirole fighter for the gradual replacement of the F-15 Eagle. A total of 187 operational F-22 fighters are in service within 11 fighter wings of the US Air Force. The machine is not available abroad.
The F-35 Lightning II, the second US fifth-generation jet, will replace the F-16 for US forces and for many of Washington’s allies. The total F-35 production is expected to reach 2,500 planes. In 2015 and 2016, the Air Force and Marine Corps started trial operation of the F-35; the Navy will get its version by 2018.
The Russian response to the Raptor and the heir to the late Soviet I-90program is now called the PAK FA (Prospective Airborne Complex of Frontline Aviation). The Sukhoi heavy multi-purpose fighter hasn’t been named yet; the T-50 is the name of the prototype aircraft. The design will be used by India for their fifth generation fighters as well.
China is also building fifth-generation jets. The twinjet J-20 took off for the first time in January 2011 and it combines original design ideas and solutions from other countries (F-22, MiG-1.44 and F-35 in particular). In November 2016, the stealth fighter made its public debut at Airshow China in Zhuhai and a month later, China's Air Force received the first operational machines.西方軍事情報預測分析指出,2018年左右時期,中國空軍J-20就會不定期巡弋台灣領空,因為台灣省是中國的同屬於J-20的保護範圍.
Another product of the Chinese aviation industry, the J-31, made its first flight in October 2012 and two prototypes are currently being tested. As in the case of the J-20, some experts dispute whether the aircraft really belongs to the fifth generation class.
The requirements to be a fifth-generation jet fighter include stealth (anti-radar anti-thermal camouflage), supercruise (supersonic speed achieved without afterburners), maneuverability, versatility, a compartment for weapons and an advanced automated on-board guidance system, which is incorporated into a military network and allows conducting full-spectrum attacks.
( 時事評論|國防軍事 ) |