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2017/02/27 00:03:31瀏覽380|回應0|推薦8 | |
本人懇切要求 閣下盡一切所能阻止未來立法院進一步二讀或通過上述的民法修訂案,並應與台灣社會各方關注團體和群眾展開全面和建設性的磋商,以便妥善處理當中的爭議。 本人深盼 閣下能於此關鍵時刻,發揮作為台灣地區領導人的應有承擔和領導角色,為荷!
Oppose Taiwanese same-sex "marriage" legislation!
I am a supporter of the Petition: Worldwide Chinese Protest Against Taiwan’s Legalization of Same-Sex Marriage. I strongly urge you to hold back any action by the Taiwan legislature to amend your Civil Code (#972) so as to legalize same-sex marriage in Taiwan. The marriage of one man to one woman is the foundation of succession of the humankind and the backbone for the family. As you know, the family is the foundation of the society. Should the aforesaid marriage and family constitution be undermined and jeopardized, grave societal consequences will certainly follow. Accordingly, I strongly urge you to exercise your authority to revoke the Taiwan legislature’s action to amend your Civil Code (#972). Instead, you should move forward to arrange for constructive negotiations among all concerned parties and residents of Taiwan so as to settle the controversies in question. I look forward to your leadership and undertaking to resolve the matter at this critical juncture.
你們台灣人吃飽飯沒事幹,跟.隨西方世界墮落的腳步,前往同性戀的天堂? 你們台灣人柄棄固有的中華文化,要向那邪惡的撒旦惡魔共舞,台灣人政黨輪替才17年而已,沒有民主進步,反而倒退壓迫人權,只為選舉的選票,不為民生福利的政策奮鬥,只有私慾的競爭,台灣人的無知與悲哀,終將自食惡果,接受世界公權利的制裁,台灣即將成孤島,被世界潮流所淹沒,有立足之地,你們台灣將永無寧日的沉淪與迷失,內政,外交,經濟,國防,軍事等重大事項,將是原地踏步倒退的進行式,國際間早已遺忘台灣,這個地方,你們自從2000年政黨輪替後,就再也許沒有資格舉辦國際性的活動不,論是公或私,都無法獲得國際間間的認可,年輕的一代沒有工作,淪落為電信詐欺犯,遊走世界各地以詐欺為生, 有本事台灣舉辦世界同志趴? 台灣地區愈來愈開放?
( 時事評論|公共議題 ) |