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2017/01/26 09:46:43瀏覽579|回應0|推薦3 | |
前美國總統歐巴馬2015以「不符合美國國家利益」、違背美國領導全球對抗氣候變遷的使命為由,否決了連接美國、加拿大兩國的「基斯頓XL輸油管道」(Keystone XLPipeline)計劃。此一管首由加拿大輸入油砂(oil sands),但遭到環保人士堅決反對。但是新任總統川普在20170124日重新簽署該工程啟動文件,受到石化工業歡迎多數石油工人得以復工,至少3年不用請領失業救濟金渡日.
「基斯頓XL輸油管道」總投資預計80億美元(新台幣2600億元),北起加拿大亞伯達省(Alberta)的哈迪斯提(Hardisty),行經美國蒙大拿州與南達科塔州,終點在內布拉斯加州的史迪爾市(Steele City),全長1897公里,如果完工,每天可將80萬桶原油送往德州墨西哥灣(Gulf of Mexico)的煉油廠;由於跨越加美兩國,需獲得美國總統批准方可開工建設。 輸油管計劃增加2萬個職位﹐劃會創造9,000個建築業職位﹐還有數以萬計的衍生職位。
The Keystone Pipeline System is an oil pipeline system in Canada and the United States, commissioned in 2010. It runs from the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in Alberta to refineries in Illinois and Texas, and also to oil tank farms and an oil pipeline distribution center in Cushing, Oklahoma.[2] The pipeline came to a greater prominence of attention when a planned fourth phase, Keystone XL, attracting growing environmental protest, became a symbol of the battle over climate change and fossil fuels, and in 2015 was rejected by then President Barack Obama. In early 2017, President Donald Trump took action intended to permit the pipeline's completion.
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