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2017/01/19 10:26:04瀏覽216|回應0|推薦4 | |
習近平在演講凸顯了全球合作,闡述了中國自身發展之道,以及中國與鄰國、中國與世界的關係,尤其明確支持經濟全球化,反對貿易保護主義。很多西方媒體自我嘲諷道:「一位共產黨領導人成為了西方的領袖,成為了資本主義自由經濟的引領者」。 英國《金融時報》(Financial Times)一篇文章的感慨在西方媒體當中具有一定的代表性:「一位中共領導人,在資本主義的精神家園,捍衛自由經濟秩序,讓世界免受美國新總統貿易保護主義威脅,這種場面本身就凸顯了特朗普當選帶給全球事務的劇變!習近平藉助達沃斯這一平台,將自己展現為一位國際領導政治家,和特朗普劃清了界限」。 對於習近平強調「全球治理體系未能反映新格局」、「全球經濟治理體系變革緊迫性越來越突出」。有西方媒體評論認為,和特朗普「輕言廢棄」的特色不同,習近平非常注重「改革」,即改善全球治理體系。 可以說,西方第一次真切感受到、認識到,甚至可以說「認可了」習近平在全球擔任「領導角色」,並為此充滿期待。 習老大站起來在2017WEF發表演講,告訴世界中國擔負起復興世界經濟的發展責任,對於務實的西方資本主義的資本家,而言他們著見於實質的利益,大於理論性的建議理想,誠然世界的經濟利益在21世紀已正確的轉向東方,所有實質的利益超過1/2以上來自中國及其周邊區域的國家,當然有些保守主義的西方資本家,還是自信的認為,世界經濟大權,不可能由中國全面掌握與控制,在瑞士達沃士附近的咖啡店裡,飲用1杯咖啡的價錢,在中國可以買3杯咖啡,這說明是物資的價值有人為操縱的因素?
西方資本家擅長於低價的物資,加工包裝後以高價售出獲利,不同於東方中國資本家看重的是細水長流的獲利模式,換句話說西方人的咖啡1杯喝完就沒拉,可是中國人的茶杯內的茶水,喝完還可以加水繼續喝,享用3次對不對? , 雖然西方注意到中國積極推崇中國模式、中國方案,強調一路一帶等構想都會惠及世界,但對於中國是否有能力或資源去當「世界領袖」,西方也存在的疑慮。不過,無論是西方自由派媒體,還是保守派媒體,都有一個共同認識:如果特朗普由外轉內、走向封閉,那麼全球化的引領大旗必會東移、終將落到中國手裡。
Chinese president Xi Jinping’s speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos, in which he denounced protectionism and defended globalisation, suggests that China is positioning itself to fill the void in global leadership likely to be left by the Trump administration. But there is far less interest on China’s part in undermining the liberal order. Some sections of the Chinese elite have cheered Mr Trump’s victory. They see the death of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) as opening the door to alternative regional arrangements, such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP). But the situation is not that simple. The RCEP is a multilateral initiative. Here the chief obstacle has not been TPP, but India’s difficult negotiating stance, which is unlikely to change.
Swiss police on Sunday detained 32 people protesting conditions in Tibet as Chinese President Xi Jinping began a state visit in the wealthy Alpine nation.His historic speech at Davos was claimed by the WEF as a big success after recent criticism of the organisation's failure to do more to alleviate global inequality, and the threat posed by the protectionist policies of the USA president-elect Donald Trump and the UK Brexit deliberations. Instead, as Xi stressed, countries should work together to pursue new models of global growth, cooperation, governance and development that deliver benefits to all of the world.China's President Xi Jinping, right, is welcomed b China, the world's top exporter, is heavily dependent on free trade and would be hit hard by a new wave of protectionism and a broader backlash against globalisation. Even European leaders such as German chancellor Angela Merkel, who is seeking a fourth term in office, have stayed away from Davos this year, wary of the populist backlash that has reverberated around the world.
( 時事評論|國際 ) |