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2017/01/15 10:39:50瀏覽459|回應0|推薦8 | |
How China will impact the world economy in 2017. To open up or to close? To advance or go back? The global economy is currently at the crossroads and it is in desperate need of sufficient courage, wisdom and responsibility from around the world to chart a clear direction and path for sustainable economic growth. The upcoming World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2017 has drawn extensive attention for putting the focus on responsive and responsible for effective global economic governance. President Xi Jinping will attend the meeting and deliver a speech, offering Chinese remedies for the world’s economic ailments. It will be the first time the top Chinese leader has attended the event. 中國國家主席習近平將在20170115日出訪瑞士,並將於20170117日出席在達沃斯(Davos)舉行的世界經濟論壇(The World Economic Forum, WEF)。 習這次出訪,率領龐大的商業代表團,不少人認為是「衝著世界經濟論壇而去」,不過,知情者稱,這次出訪的「主菜」,是訪問聯合國、世衛、國際奧委會等國際組織,「徹底擠壓和榨乾台灣的國際空間」。 WEF 首度接待中國最高領導人,參加世界經濟論壇,中國未來的經濟成長勢必超越美國,成為世界第一大經濟實體,2017領導全球的經濟復甦全都展望在於中國的作為?
習老大此次出席瑞士達沃斯2017WEF 年會,在國際空間搶奪發言權與媒體曝光率,是正面的國際競爭戰略,不同於向川普昔時訪問莫斯科,搞出淫穢事件,西方戰略觀察家分析,由於本年度的年會舉行期間,正逢美國新舊總統交接期,預料美國不會派出強大訪問團,也不過是捧場性質的出席,當然也無新的論調對於世界經濟的發言有所助益如果有那就是川普一昧的胡說八道,指責中國操縱匯率,一般預料習近平不會受邀參加,川普20170120就職典禮,當然莫斯科的普京,也不在受邀之內,根據情資顯示出習老大下榻的旅館,早已粉飾一新,旅館的大廳與走廊全新的紅地毯,迎接習大帝的大駕光零臨,瑞士當地的媒體,形容是紅色經濟染紅瑞士,一點不為過,筆者將透過特殊管道,取得最新資訊分享台灣地區讀者. he Chinese word for “economy” means “for society to prosper and benefit the people”, an aim of governance advocated by Chinese sages in ancient times. It is also an important governance concept cherished by the Communist Party of China. In the first three quarters of 2016, China’s economy grew by 6.7 percent year-on-year, and its per capita disposable income registered a growth of 6.3 percent. In the first 11 months of the year, China created 12.49 million new jobs in cities and townships and lifted more than 10 million people out of poverty, further raising Chinese people’s sense of well-being and happiness. Against the backdrop of the global economic slowdown, it has really not been easy for China to make these achievements.
( 時事評論|國際 ) |