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致命中國」(Death by China: How America Lost its Manufacturing Base),
2016/12/23 00:15:54瀏覽759|回應0|推薦4


美國總統當選人川普任用(Peter Navarro)領導主事國家貿易委員會,成為協助總統、主責貿易與產業政策的幕僚。





 「Death by China: How America Lost its Manufacturing Base」的圖片搜尋結果




 Trump picks 'Death by China' author for trade advisory role.



「Death by China: How America Lost its Manufacturing Base」的圖片搜尋結果「death by china: how america lost its manufacturing base」的圖片搜尋結果「death by china: how america lost its manufacturing base」的圖片搜尋結果



U.S. President-elect Donald Trump named Peter Navarro, an economist who has urged a hard line on trade with China, to head a newly formed White House National Trade Council, the transition team said on Wednesday.

Navarro is an academic and one-time investment adviser who has authored a number of popular books and made a film describing China's threat to the U.S. economy as well as Beijing's desire to become the dominant economic and military power in Asia.

Trump's team praised Navarro in a statement as a "visionary" economist who would "develop trade policies that shrink our trade deficit, expand our growth, and help stop the exodus of jobs from our shores."

Trump, a Republican, made trade a centerpiece of his presidential campaign and railed against what he said were bad deals the United States had made with other countries. He has threatened to hit Mexico and China with high tariffs once he takes office on Jan. 20.









只不過川普在競選期間所發表的言論及其政見,依現況觀察已達到30% 左右,所謂的人事佈局與組織架構,正在逐漸形,成必竟在20170120 教就要宣誓就任與就職,川普的團隊成員過半數是新面孔,有的甚至於是被冷凍很久的人才,如今川普破格任用,就是要顛倒乾坤的大幹一場?


尤其甚者就是真對中國的貿易逆差的經濟大問題,其次就是中國軍事力量,日益強勢壯大,明顯的中國要與美國爭奪太平洋,東海,南海,印度洋,大西洋的控制權與主導權,此外就國際金融事件,由中國主導的亞投行,美國幹在心裡有口難言,再加上TPP 搞不起來 川普大聲疾呼,勢在必行的與中國爭鋒,保持世界霸主地位?


屆時美國政論性的電視節目及廣播節目,勢所難免的猛烈批評川普的執政,你們台灣有準備好銀子與川普討價還價的購買2手破舊武器嗎 ? 台灣人好比較會加速申請移民美國將資產轉移美國要是中國有朝一日突然對台灣攻擊,那如何是好?

台獨歹路行不通,為什麼承認九二共勢,一個中國”,有那麼困難? 難道是依戀總統寶座? 權力真的讓人眼瞎心盲不是嗎? 親愛的的台灣同胞們你們準備好了嗎 ?

當中國共產黨接收並光復台灣省之日,你們是否真心誠意的回歸祖國,否則上演822 事件就不是符合台灣人的心願?

「death by china: how america lost its manufacturing base」的圖片搜尋結果 「death by china: how america lost its manufacturing base」的圖片搜尋結果

Death by China: Confronting the Dragon - A Global Call to Action (paperback).

The world's most populous nation and soon-to-be largest economy is rapidly turning into the planet's most efficient assassin. Unscrupulous Chinese entrepreneurs are flooding world markets with lethal products. China's perverse form of capitalism combines illegal mercantilist and protectionist weapons to pick off American industries, job by job. China's emboldened military is racing towards head-on confrontation with the U.S. Meanwhile, America's executives, politicians, and even academics remain silent about the looming threat. Now, best-selling author and noted economist Peter Navarro meticulously exposes every form of "Death by China," drawing on the latest trends and events to show a relationship spiraling out of control.


Death by China reveals how thousands of Chinese cyber dissidents are being imprisoned in "Google Gulags"; how Chinese hackers are escalating coordinated cyberattacks on U.S. defense and America's key businesses; how China's undervalued currency is damaging the U.S., Europe, and the global recovery; why American companies are discovering that the risks of operating in China are even worse than they imagined; how China is promoting nuclear proliferation in its pursuit of oil; and how the media distorts the China story--including a "Hall of Shame" of America's worst China apologists.

This book doesn't just catalogue China's abuses: It presents a call to action and a survival guide for a critical juncture in America's history--and the world's.


Peter Navarro)著作「致命中國」(Death by China: How America Lost its Manufacturing Base),本書內容也拍攝成紀錄片。





 「Death by China: How America Lost its Manufacturing Base」的圖片搜尋結果「death by china: how america lost its manufacturing base」的圖片搜尋結果「death by china: how america lost its manufacturing base」的圖片搜尋結果




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