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中國空軍J-20裝備霹靂15 導向飛彈為美國F-22.-35剋星
2016/09/25 00:59:31瀏覽837|回應0|推薦10


中國空軍完成J-20的設計,生產,製造以及附屬武器裝備,讓美國大舉失驚,無法反制,這樣一來未來30年,中國與美國空軍爭奪制空權,中國與美國不分上下.西方軍事專家預測分析不久之後將有J-20b.J-20c 航空母艦,艦載機的出現?

It was reported that 607 Institute has been developing a new active radar homing AAM (dubbed PL-15?) comparable to American AIM-120D and may have evolved from the earlier PL-12C/D design. The missile was seen being tested onboard a J-11B fighter. Compared to PL-12, the missile features stabilizing fins and tailfins with reduced wingspans, suggesting its design is optimized for internal carriage by the 4th generation fighters such as J-20 and FC-31. PL-15 also features an improved guidance system (including two-way datalink and new active/passive dual mode AESA seeker with enhanced ECCM capability). The missile is thought to have a new dual pulse rocket motor in favor of a ramjet engine, giving it not only a longer range (~200km?) but also a relatively small body size. It appears PL-15 will supersed the PL-12 series as the primary LRAAM for the 4th generation stealth fighters. It was rumored in September 2015 that a PL-15 was test-fired successfully from a J-16. The latest rumor (March 2016) suggested that it was test-fired successfully from a J-20 prototype.



According to Chinese media mil.huanqiu.com’s report, the website of U.S. media Popular Science monthly said in its report that the PL-15 beyond visual range air-to-air missile has a range of 150 to 200 km further than any U.S. air-to-air missiles in service.

In addition, it has a longer active radar monitoring and anti-jamming data chain. Gen. Carlisle said that with an additional ramjet engine, the missile had a longer range to threaten not only US F-22 and F-35 stealth fighter jets but also U.S. bombers and aerial refueling aircrafts.

 Chinese Computer-Generated Image of a J-31 firing a ramjet-powered PL-15 air-to-air missile. (Photo Courtesy of lt.cdjby.net)

What Do You Get The 10-Year Old Who Has Everything?


The New Chinese Missile That Has the

The U.S. Air Force—the most powerful military service of its kind on the planet—is nothing if not confident. So it’s exceedingly rare to hear the service’s top officers publically express alarm about specific weapons of potential enemies.

That’s why it was a big, big deal when Gen. Herbert Carlisle, the head of the Air Force’s Air Combat Command, twice mentioned with concern a new Chinese air-to-air missile in mid-September. The missile, called the PL-15, boasts a sophisticated radar seeker and a powerful rocket motor, giving it the potential to hit targets from 60 miles away or more—at least as far as American jets can fire their own missiles.

“Look at our adversaries and what they’re developing, things like the PL-15 and the range of that weapon,” Carlisle said in a speech at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, D.C., on September 15—the same day that China reportedly test-fired the PL-15 for the first time. “How do we counter that and what are we going to do to continue to meet that threat?” Carlisle asked rhetorically.U.S. Air Force Spooked.



「PL-15」的圖片搜尋結果「霹靂15 導向飛彈」的圖片搜尋結果「霹靂15 導向飛彈」的圖片搜尋結果



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