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Hello Brother .
2013/02/23 11:37:23瀏覽38|回應0|推薦1

A man wants to work for his pay
A man wants a place in the sun
A man wants a gal proud to say
That she'll become his lovin' wife
He wants a chance to give his kids a better life, yes
Well hello, hello, hello brother

You can travel all around the world and back
You can fly or sail or ride a railroad track
But no matter where you go you're gonna find
That people have the same things on their minds

A man wants to work for his pay
A man wants a place in the sun
A man wants a gal proud to say
That she'll become his lovin' wife
He wants a chance to give his kids a better life
Well hello brother, hello, yeah

He wants a chance to give his kids a better life, yes
Well hello, hello, brother hello
I said hello, hello, brother hello

( 興趣嗜好偶像追星 )
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