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US north-east recovers from snowstorm
2013/02/14 11:10:50瀏覽111|回應0|推薦1

A Boston street shows the effects of the storm which dumped nearly 25in of snow on the city on Friday.

More than 100,000 people in the north-eastern US were still without power on Monday morning, as the clear-up from last week's historic snowstorm continued. Driving bans across the region were lifted on Sunday and public transport systems in Boston, New York and Connecticut were functioning, though with delays.

Most of the power failures were in south-eastern Massachusetts and on Cape Cod, where around 35,000 people were still without electricity. NStar said 93,844 homes and businesses were affected, while National Grid reportedly had some 20,000 properties without power.

Efforts to reconnect homes could be affected, however, by further snow which was predicted to fall on Monday. The National Weather Service said that between 2in and 4in was expected across northern areas of New England, gradually changing to sleet, freezing rain and rain.

In southern New England warmer temperatures could add to the danger of collapsing roofs, the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency warned. Flat or gently-sloped roofs were at greatest risk, officials said, although they cautioned people against attempting to clear their own homes. "We don't recommend that people, unless they're young and experienced, go up on roofs," said a spokesman, Peter Judge.

In Boston, which received 24.9in of snow – the fifth-largest storm in the city's history – some public schools were closed on Monday. City officials encouraged commuters to use public transport to travel to work, as many roads are still unsafe, according to a local news station, WCVB. The Boston-area public transportation system partially resumed subway service and some bus routes on Sunday. Beverly Scott, general manager of the Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority, told the Associated Press that a full service was expected on Monday, albeit with delays.

Some schools were closed in Providence, Rhode Island and in eastern Long Island, which saw as much as 30in of snow. New York governor Andrew Cuomo said that more than a third of the state's snow-removal equipment had been sent to the area, including more than 400 plow trucks and more than 100 snowblowers, loaders and backhoes.

 最近1週美國東北部各州遭受到本世紀最強烈的爆風雪侵襲以前我所居住的麻薩諸塞州的波士頓的居所大蓋也有被爆風雪損壞屋頂因為將近百年的磚造房屋是禁不起這樣子大自然的損壞波士頓大學校區也停課因為大停電無法聯繫我只有祈禱上帝 文件附照片有些是我在麻薩諸塞州波士頓市區熟悉的地方與場所令人懷念在此地攻讀博士班


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