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中國成功收購希臘比雷埃夫斯港the Piraeus Port
2016/04/09 21:16:04瀏覽1063|回應0|推薦10





中國遠洋將以28050萬歐元收購比雷埃夫斯港(Piraeus Port51%股權,完成35000萬歐元強制性投資五年後,以8800萬歐元收購剩餘16%股權。





Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras(1st L) meets with China COSCO Shipping Chairman Xu Lirong(2nd R) during the agreement signing ceremony for the sale of the majority stake in Piraeus Port Authority(PPA) in Athens, Greece on April 8, 2016 [Xinhua]




China has described a deal to sell Greece’s biggest port to Chinese shipping group COSCO as a “win-win” for both countries.

Under the deal between Greece’s privatization fund HRADF and China COSCO Shipping Corporation, the Chinese investors will pay 280.5 million euros($319.79 million) to HRADF for the initial acquisition of a 51 per cent stake, while it will pay another 88 million euros within five years for the remaining 16 per cent, provided it has implemented the agreed investments in the port.



其次可用作軍事基地。中國政府計劃的構想是將比雷埃夫斯港作為中國海軍的前進歐洲,非洲的補給基地來使用,這樣一來使得比雷埃夫斯港(Piraeus Port)在未來10年的拓展開發計劃中,成為希臘首位商用,軍用的混合型綜合港口,當然也代動周邊地區的各行各業的蓬勃發展,中國海軍在20152月中國海軍最大登陸艦「長白山」號在此靠港,希臘總理齊普拉斯登上軍艦,參觀訪問就說明此港口的戰略位置的重要性,中國藉由該港進行中國海軍的中繼補給站,使得進出黑海,地中海及大西洋及非洲沿岸各港口,均以此為幅射網展開,





西方軍事觀察家認為,中國在未來3年內定會完成設置歐洲橋頭堡指揮中心,也就是說2020年時,將有中國第四艦隊(西海艦隊)正式到訪進駐此港? 並與希臘,意大利,法國,德國,埃及俄羅斯等國家展開海軍聯合演習,屆時中國最新導向飛彈驅逐艦055D及中國首艘自製航空母艦戰鬥群,以及094戰略核子潛艦等軍艦,大規模的精彩作秀,展示中國海軍遠洋的實力?

Piraeus, the largest port in Greece and one of the largest to the Mediterranean Sea, plays a vital role in the development of the international trade activity, as well as of the national economy. 10 km away from the centre of Athens, it is the main gateway for the imports and exports of Greece. Likewise, its location near the international trading routes makes it an international hub ensuring cargo transhipment through the necessary infrastructure. For Greece, Piraeus is the main cruise port (50%) and the main container port (90%).

The development programme until 2016 and the stimulation of logistics activities made by the government could determine the launch of the port in the first 5 container hubs, declared the Development Minister Kostis Hatzidakis. Along with the intention announced by the government, Piraeus is currently elaborating the development programme, since the operator Cosco Pacific (China), which has two piers, will build a third one (with a capacity of 1.1 million TEU) and will provide transport services to three big companies (such as Hewlett-Packard and Huawei Technologies Co). The investments allocated up to now by the Chinese company have led to the increase of container transit.

由此圖各位讀者們就可以瞭若指掌,PIRAEUS PORT.重要戰略位置及地點,她將是中國進出地中海,大西洋,黑海的梳紐核心,由此據點到達西歐,北歐,非洲各港口的轉運中心,天助中國得到此一優良港口,當2012年時希臘爆發財政經濟危機,無法償還積欠歐盟中央銀行龐大的債務時,全世界沒有任何的國家對希臘伸出援手,機會使得希臘求助中國協助,經由中國各方面的調查研究出,可行性的評估報告,終於在新的希臘政府的肯定簽約購買,PIRAEUS PORT 雙方皆大歡喜,這將給予希臘國有企業私營化機構協助資金的短缺,至少目前給希臘帶來35億歐元的收入.西方戰略專家盛佔贊中國和平崛起,為希臘代來和平,繁榮與經濟復甦願景.


China’s COCSO completes purchase of Greece’s biggest port


Greece sold its largest port, the Piraeus Port Authority, to China COSCO Shipping Corporation on Friday, for 368.5 million euro ($418.58 million).  




( 時事評論財經 )
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