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冬令進補妙方 ( 約翰屈伏塔 John Travolta )
2009/01/08 22:52:03瀏覽724|回應0|推薦6


How to Make Omurice (Chicken Rice Wrapped with Fried Egg)
約翰·屈伏塔(John Travolta,1954年2月18日-),出生於美國的紐澤西州。年少時其母將其 送至紐約的戲劇學校學習聲樂,舞蹈和表演。扎實的舞臺表演基本功讓他在後來的電影表演 生涯中,無論是表演帶有舞蹈的片斷(《黑色追緝令》),還是扮演面目猙獰的反派角色( 《奪面雙雄》、《斷箭》),都游刃有餘。生活中從來沒有緋聞的他與妻子育有一子一女。 擁有飛行執照,喜歡駕駛各種飛機,甚至還擁有一架波音707飛機。在2009年1月2 日,他的16歲兒子傑特(Jett Travolta)被傭人發現在浴室裡昏迷,經救護車緊急送醫之後,仍宣告不治。
In Memory of Jett Travolta
Jett Travolta was born in 1992 son of actor John Travolta and his wife actress Kelly Preston, brother to little sister Ella Bleu. Jett died January 2, 2009 while spending the holiday in the Bahamas. The unconfirmed cause of death was initially attributed to a seizure, during which he fell and hit his head. According to Preston, Jett had suffered from Kawasaki disease in early childhood, which can cause a variety of side effects, including heart problems and sometimes leads to seizures. An autopsy is planned with two pathologists to guarantee a thorough assessment
( 休閒生活影視戲劇 )
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