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談暖化與北極問題 及動物的去留 ( 北極熊 )
2007/12/27 11:14:13瀏覽301|回應0|推薦1

Part Two of ARCTIC TALE World Premiere Q&A SILVERDOCS


 Forever in love - Kenny G

Adam Ravetch - Filmmaker
Video clips from groundbreaking arctic underwater director and marine biologist Adam Ravetch. Co-director of movie Arctic Tale. For more info visit http://www.arctictale.com  他們花了很長的時間拍攝這些影片 , 很不易 ! 也就是國內翻譯為 : 極地熊寶貝 !
Asexual Love                      http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=VajG8dr_bSI
The cute Knut         Knut is a twin, but his brother died 4 days after birth.  
Species : Polar Bear      Gender : Male               Birthday : 05.12.2006
Home : Berlin Zoo (Germany)      http://tw.youtube.com/watch?v=zZLKb_5S21E
 the earth movie trailer 2009
The Walt Disney Studios will celebrate Earth Day 2009 (April 22nd) with the debut of "Earth," the first feature-length nature documentary from its new production banner, Disneynature. This amazing new film is from award-winning British producer/director Alastair Fothergill, whose credits include the Emmy and Peabody award-winning "Planet Earth" series (BBC and The Discovery Channel) and "The Blue Planet."The earth movie coming in theaters on 22 april 2009
2012 The Movie Trailer
for the new 2012 End of the world movie.
End of the World in 21-22 December 2012 year
( 休閒生活雜記 )
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