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2011/03/11 22:32:44瀏覽2501|回應13|推薦0 | |
日本8.9級強震傷亡嚴重 海嘯正吞沒仙台(組圖) 綜合新聞
實拍日本震後驚心慘狀︰海上漂浮大量汽車 (HD 高清組圖) 中新網 日本東北地區11日下午發生大地震,東京震感強烈。日本電視台畫面顯示,在日本太平洋海岸,11日發生的地震已引發海嘯。 最新消息,美國地質勘探局11日將日本當天發生的地震震級修正為芮氏8.8級。 日本廣播公司宣布,地震已經造成大量傷亡。電視畫面顯示,日本岩手港漂浮著數十輛汽車。
日本發生8.9級地震 海嘯正吞沒仙台 核心提示︰北京時間13時46分日本東北地區宮城縣發生8.9級地震。地震引發大規模海嘯,現已登陸仙台。據日本NHK電視畫面顯示,仙台大部分地區已被海嘯淹沒。 日本海嘯現場畫面︰所到之處均被吞噬 環球網記者王歡報道 3月11日下午14時46分(北京時間13時46分)日本東北地區宮城縣發生8.9級地震。地震引發大規模海嘯,現已登陸仙台。據日本NHK電視畫面顯示,仙台大部分地區已被海嘯淹沒,死傷不詳。 另外獲悉,日本東京迪斯尼樂園停車場已被海嘯淹沒。 日本強震 直升機航拍海嘯吞陸地畫面(視頻/圖集) 綜合新聞 Tokyo (CNN) -- An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit Japan early Friday, triggering tsunami warnings and sending people fleeing out of buildings in the capital. 最新消息︰11日下午,日本發生8.9級地震,震中位于宮城縣以東太平洋海域,震源深度24公里。東京有強烈震感。日本氣象廳隨即發布了海嘯警報,稱地震將引發約10米高海嘯。 最新消息,日本宮城繼前(九)日發生強震後,今(11)日下午13:46分,發生規模7.9的強震後,又再發生規模8.8的強震。 8.8級強震 景象觸目驚心 據了解,東京台場市區已傳出火警,陣陣濃煙竄升市區上空,正在行進中的車輛因地震演發六公尺海嘯而被全數沖到河里,停在岸邊的船只也被沖毀,景象相當驚目驚心。 除宮城外,東京市區電車、火車也已全數停駛。根據CNN報導,東京也感受到明顯搖動,正在建築大樓內辦公的人們一度倉皇逃出樓外。 太平洋中心已對俄羅斯及其它鄰近地區發布海嘯警報,台灣也列入警報範圍。
日本近海發生強烈地震 海嘯掀起水浪沖擊船只
日本仙台機場遭到地震引發的海嘯襲擊的情景 日本北部沿海受地震影響地區受災情況
強震8.8級 東京塔冒煙 先測得地震強度為規模7.9,後來上修為8.8,大海嘯高度6公尺,也修正為10公尺,震央位于本州東北外海,深度僅有10公里,日本全境遭到強烈搖晃,隨後又有數次強烈余震發生。東京塔冒煙,民眾逃命,許多民宅起火,海嘯高達10公尺以上。 強震將引發10公尺大海嘯席卷沿海 宮城縣發生芮氏規模8.8超級大地震,全國均遭到劇烈搖晃,氣象當局發布高達10公尺的「大海嘯」警報,沿海地區涌入3公尺高巨浪,將一些漁船、車輛及建築物進海, 日本本州以東海面當地時間9日上午11時45分(台北時間10點45分),也發生芮氏規模模7.2的地震,震央距離仙台以東約200公里,震源深度約10公里,當局也發出海嘯警報,東部沿岸出現約半公尺高的海浪。東北新干線一度因此停駛,距離震央400多公里的首都東京,有居民表示感到建築物搖晃。 國內警報聲四起 居民迅速避難 10日凌晨3點左右,日本再度發生規模6左右的余震,影響潮位變化,不過並無海嘯之虞。不過,今天下午這起7.9地震由于過于強烈,日本氣象當局發布高達6公尺的大海嘯警報,國內警報聲四起,透過廣播要求沿海居民速避難。 大陸雲南盈江縣10日中午12時58分發生芮氏規模5.8地震,深度只有10公里,隨後在同一位置,下午1時03分及04分,又相繼發生4.7 地震和4.5地震,由于震央離盈江縣市中心僅2公里,地震深度又屬于僅有10公里的淺層地震,震後也傳出有不少房屋倒塌,其中還包括一家飯店,超過20人死亡,受傷人數超過200人,超過6萬戶的居民受害。 傳出災情 東京火警車輛紛紛掉落河中 日本11日下午1點46分在宮城縣又發生芮氏規模高達8.8( 先為7.9)強烈地震,氣象當局立即發布「大海嘯」的警報。包括日本與俄羅斯、夏威夷都可號能受到威脅。日本政府已 吁沿海民眾嚴加戒備。 目前已有部分災情傳出部。據了解, 東京市已傳出火警。CNN報導,許多地輛車從橋掉落在河流中。 亞太地區近幾天地震頻頻,不禁令人擔憂,又有網友與3月19日「超級」月亮穿鑿附會在一起。 日本本州以東海面當地時間9日上午11時45分(台北時間10點45分),也發生芮氏規模模7.2的地震,震央距離仙台以東約200公里,震源深度約10公里,當局也發出海嘯警報,東部沿岸出現約半公尺高的海浪。東北新干線一度因此停駛,距離震央400多公里的首都東京,有居民表示感到建築物搖晃。 日本宮城縣核電廠、新干線停止運行 日本東北電力公司表示,宮城縣女川核電站在地震發生後已自動停止運行,目前正在調查受害情況;另據東日本鐵路公司表示,其下屬所有新干線已經停止運行。 東北地區發生特大地震後,日本政府11日下午在首相官邸危機管理中心設立官邸對策室,並發出指示讓所有內閣成員到官邸集中。 華航CI018、長榮BR2196暫時停飛 東京市已傳出火警,成田、羽田機場均已關閉。根據京都最新報導,震央宮城已傳出傷亡情形,成田、羽田機場已緊急關閉。根據《壹電視》報導,華航CI018班機桃園飛往東京檀香山的班機,以及長榮BR2196桃園飛往東京的班機暫時停飛。
Video captured the tsunami in Japan as it swept over an airport in Sendai, the largest city in Miyagi prefecture. At least one plane was picked up by the wave and carried along the runway, which was quickly transformed into a raging river: Elsewhere, an oil refinery was seen burning in video from the Japanese broadcaster NHK: 8:41 A.M. |Obama and Biden Offer Condolences and AidPresident Obama issued a statement on the earthquake on Friday:
According to pool reports cited by Politico, Vice President Biden, who is in Moldova, said as he met with the country's prime minister, "The thoughts and prayers of the American people, and I'm sure the Moldovan people when they find out, are with our friends in Japan." 8:16 A.M. |Hawaii Braces for TsunamiHawaii braced for a tsunami as warning sirens rung out through the night following Japan's large earthquake. The state ordered evacuations of its coastal areas on Friday as a tsunami warning was extended to most of the Pacific basin, including northern California and Oregon, Reuters reported. The main airports on at least three of the major Hawaiian islands -- Maui, Kauai and the Big Island of Hawaii -- were shut down as a precaution, news agencies reported. Honolulu's KRON television is live streaming coverage and Big Island Video News has raw video of some of the evacuations. CNN reports that the first wave is expected to reach the islands, roughly 3,800 miles from the quake's epicenter, in the next 20 minutes. First wave expected to hit #Hawaii in 20 minutes. /via @tjholmes Live #tsunami coverage: http://on.cnn.com/cnndcl2 #Japan #earthquake 7:55 A.M. |Whirlpool Seen After QuakeJapanese television images, reposted by Britain's Telegraph newspaper, captured a whirlpool off the eastcoast of Japan. 7:41 A.M. |Industrial Fires Captured After QuakeJapan declared a state of emergency Friday at a nuclear power plant after its cooling system failed following a massive earthquake, news agencies reported. There was no leak reported. The government ordered thousands of residents near the plant to evacuate. Other industrial facilities were also hard hit by the powerful quake. Video captured industrial fires, which appeared to erupt moments after the earthquake. Below, smoke rose over the port of Odaiba, across from central Tokyo. Video below is said to capture an explosion at a Japanese oil facility. The exact location was not immediately clear. 7:25 A.M. |Japan Earthquake is Fifth Largest Since 1900Friday's 8.9 magnitude earthquake is the fifth largest recorded by the United States Geological Survey since 1900. The U.S.G.S. has a list of the fifteen biggest on its Web site, including:
7:10 A.M. |Early Video of the Japan Tsunami and EarthquakeThe English-language news network Russia Today posted a video on its YouTube channel purporting to be closed circuit television footage of the tsunami overtaking an airport. A YouTube user FullGoals1000 posted video that appeared to show a store in Japan where employees, customers and goods on the racks were violently rattled by the earthquake. A YouTube user gakiAkanji3, evidently a fan of Japanese animation, posted a claustrophobic video of the earthquake rattling his shelves of books and videotapes. 6:51 A.M. |Television Networks Show Images of DestructionTelevision networks across the world carried dramatic footage, some of it live, of the tsunami that hit northern Japan after a massive 8.9 magnitude earthquake struck off the coast. The Associated Press posted videos from the Japanese broadcaster NHK on their YouTube channel, the first of which shows the tsunami sweeping away buildings as it carries debris across a vast swath of farmland: Another shows boats and cars being washed under a bridge as the water rushed inland: One YouTube user in Tokyo posted video from the beginning of the earthquake. "I stopped filming when stuff start to fall everywhere in the office, so I ran outside," wrote MrLifeYou. Al Jazeera English's report included footage from inside the newsroom of a Japanese broadcaster when the earthquake hit:
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