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2006/06/01 13:48:16瀏覽2254|回應0|推薦2 | |
名家看歷史歷史月刊的歷史閱讀 蕭伯納說:我們從歷史中可能學到的教訓,就是我們在歷史中學不到任何教訓。(George Bernard Shaw:We learn from history that we learn nothing from history.)馬克吐溫說:歷史學家通常會數倍誇大實情,如果他們想傳播那事;要不然,讀者就不可能領會。(Mark Twain:A historian who would convey the truth must lie. Often he must enlarge the truth by diameters, otherwise his reader would not be able to see it.)王爾德說:任何人都可能名留青史,但是,只有偉大的人才可能寫歷史。(Oscar Wilde:Anybody can make history. Only a great man can write it.)。 馬克斯說:歷史自己重演,第一次是悲劇,第二次是鬧劇。(Karl Marx:History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.)馬克斯相當程度修正了資本主義原來蠻横的歷史方向。瓦萊里說:歷史是使人避免重蹈覆轍的學科。(Paul Valery:History is the science of what never happens twice.)愛因斯坦讚譽這位保羅‧瓦萊里為「唯一未受盛名腐化的人」。吉本說:我僅依賴一盞引導我腳步的明燈,而且它就是經驗;我了解除了經歷,決無別的可用來判斷未來。(Edward Gibbon:I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience. I know no way of judging of the future but by the past.)愛德華‧吉本歷經二十餘年的心血,完成六卷的《羅馬帝國衰亡史》。 我們幽默歷史欣賞歷史也寫歷史 訂閱《歷史月刊》全年12期,定價2040元特價1700元 服務電話:02-27680091 傳真:02-27622444 郵政劃撥:18789062 歷史智庫出版事業公司 |
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