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2014年04月17日 The Art of Kiting (二)
2014/04/17 23:25:48瀏覽87|回應0|推薦0


The Art of Kiting


Kiting is an activity that is enjoyed in all the corners of the globe. It not only involves flying them, but also designing, creating, and building them. A lot of skill goes into the designs of kites. They can be made to look like animals and mythological creatures, or they can be made just for decoration using high-end materials. Requiring whole teams of handlers to launch into the air, some kites are controlled with more strings than you can count. There is nothing more beautiful than seeing hundreds of vibrantly colored kites swimming across the sky. That is why it is not surprising that kiting has grown into a culture of its own.




1. go into...  花(時間、金錢、精力)在...

go - went - gone – going

A great deal of time and effort have gone into setting up the exhibit.

2. mythology [mɪˋθɑlədʒɪ] n. (總稱)神話[U]
 mythological [
͵mɪθəˋlɑdʒɪk!] a. 神話的; 虛構的

3. high-end a. 高層次的; 高檔的

4. handler [ˋhændlɚ] n. [C] 操作者;處理者;搬運者 handlers

5. surprising [sɚˋpraɪzɪŋ] a. 令人驚異的;驚人的;出人意外的
 surprised [s
əˋpraɪzd] a. 感到驚訝的;出人意外的

It is not surprising that kiting has grown into a culture of its own.

Harry was surprised that Carl didn ' t say anything to defend himself.  

( 知識學習語言 )
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