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轉貼:Nadya Suleman
2009/03/02 11:58:26瀏覽600|回應0|推薦0

Octuplet's mom on food stamps, publicist says

Three of Nadya Suleman's older kids

also get federal support for disabilities

Nadya Suleman, the mother of the octuplets born

last month, gets $490 a month in food stamps,

the Los Angeles Times reported Monday evening.

Three of her first children also get

federal supplemental security income

because they are disabled, the Times reported.

Suleman's publicist, Michael Furtney,

confirmed the information.

During an interview with Ann Curry on the TODAY show,

Suleman denied being on welfare.

(Msnbc.com is a joint venture

of NBC Universal and Microsoft.)


她的簡歷(with video clips)



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Nadya Suleman, the single mother of newborn octuplets,

is using the Internet to help

support her family of 14 children.

She's started a Web site seeking donations.

Nadya Suleman, a single mother of 14 children,

has set up a Web site asking for donations.

The Web site is a prompt for visitors to make a donation,

noting that the "proud mother of 14"

accepts Visa, MasterCard, American Express,

Discover and PayPal.

Suleman, 33, had the octuplets

through fertility treatments,

despite already having six young children

and no clear source of income.

In recent television interviews,

Suleman has rejected suggestions that she might not

be able to care adequately for all 14 of her children.

"I'm providing myself to my children,"

Nadya Suleman told NBC in her first interview.

"I'm loving them unconditionally,

accepting them unconditionally, everything I do.

I'll stop my life for them and be present with them

and hold them and be with them.

And how many parents do that?"

Suleman said she plans to go back to college

to pursue a degree in counseling, NBC reported.

She also said all 14 children

have the same biological father,

a sperm donor whom she described as a friend.

Joann Killeen, a spokeswoman for Suleman,

has told CNN that she is being deluged with media offers,

but disputed any suggestions that Suleman

may have had a monetary incentive

for having so many children.

Killeen, told CNN's "Larry King Live"

that Suleman "has no plans on being a welfare mom

 and really wants to look at every opportunity

that she can to make sure she can provide financially

for the 14 children she's responsible for now."

Suleman's publicist did say that Suleman

gets $490 every month in food stamps.



Nadya Suleman pictured leaving her house

in Bellflower, CA. on February 20, 2009

EXCLUSIVE: Nadya Suleman:

Good Morning America Sperm Donor Not Kids' Father
Monday February 23, 2009

Nadya Suleman admits that Dennis Beaudoin,

who went on Good Morning America Monday,

 donated sperm for her to undergo in vitro fertilization

 -- but says he's not the father of any of her 14 children.

"He's not lying. He went to the doctor with me once,"

 Suleman told Usmagazine.com from her home Sunday.

"It didn't work."

"He's not the father of any," continued Suleman

-- who was wed to Marcos Gutierrez during the time

 she tried to get pregnant with sperm from Beaudoin.

"He didn't work."

"He was right before the real donor," Suleman said.

 David Solomon is listed as the father

 on her first eldest children's birth certificates.

She told Us the real donor is " a friend of mine"

and that there is only "one donor" for all of the children.

 Suleman didn't deny Solomon was the father

during an interview with Us on Friday

in which she called him an "amazing friend."

On GMA, Beaudoin -- who dated Suleman

 for three years in the '90s -- said Suleman claimed

she had had ovarian cancer.

But Suleman told Us,

"This is, like, getting from bad to worse.

Of course, it is untrue."

Beaudoin claimed Suleman's older children resemble him,

and wants them to take a paternity test to prove it.

"Either which way, you know, know that if she needs it,

I'll lend a helping hand," he said on GMA.


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