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轉貼:Jim 和Michelle Duggar 加19.
2008/10/21 11:01:41瀏覽2279|回應0|推薦3

“And He said unto me, my grace is sufficient for thee for my strength is made perfect in weakness, most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (2 Corinthians 12:9)

We trust that you will find strength and encouragement from HIM who is "able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask…”

Grace and Peace, Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar & Family



Enjoying First "GrandDuggar" Mackynzie while awaiting baby 19 arrival!

Our new grand-daughter Mackynzie Renée is here! She was born October 8, 2009 to our oldest son Josh and his wife Anna! We are so grateful for this new grand-addition to our family and the Aunts and Uncles are so excited for Josh & Anna! Our 19th child is due to arrive around March 18, 2010! We are enjoying this new phase of life as grandparents, while at the same time looking forward to the arrival of our next little one!

Psalm 127 says, “Lo children are a heritage of the Lord, the fruit of the womb is His reward.” We believe that each child is a special gift from God and we are thankful to Him for each one.

We have enjoyed hearing from thousands of families that have emailed us over the past several months and we regret that we have not been able to respond to everyone. We appreciate the words of encouragement and what a joy to hear from many who are seeking a relationship with Jesus Christ and yet others who desire to train up their children to follow God with their whole heart! Dr. S.M. Davis’ DVD messages have helped us raising our children, with a variety of topics on family relationships that can be a blessing to every family. Whether you are having conflicts in your marriage, dealing with a rebellious young person or just looking for solid principles to build a Godly family we encourage you to visit Dr. Davis' website.

The Jim Sammons Financial Freedom Seminar has helped Michelle and I to become one minded in the direction we are headed. It has encouraged me to be the spiritual leader that I need to be. It has made us and saved us thousands of dollars by learning practical Bible principles that apply to every day life decisions. Jim Sammons is a real estate developer, the principles he shares apply to everyone of us. He shares story after story in a funny way that my whole family enjoys watching it. It costs about $109 for the textbook and 10 disc video series - one of the best investments you can make into your family and business. We enjoy watching one hour a week, for example, like on a Saturday evening as a family or with friends and then discuss it. The Bible principles will challenge you to give every area of your life to God in a new and deeper way and your family will grow closer together as each one individually seeks God. This seminar has helped us get out of debt and has given us creative business ideas to support our large family. This will pay for its self with your first financial decision. You can't afford not to watch it!

We want to be quick to say, we are still learning by God’s grace & we do not consider ourselves ‘Professional Parents’. One thing we are confident of is “this very thing, that HE who has begun a good work in us will continue it until the day of Christ Jesus” (Philippians 1:6) We consider the Bible the 'Owner's Manual' for our lives, and in it is contained all the answers to life’s questions. We hope to update our website in the FAQ's section from time to time.

A relationship with God is the most important thing in life. We recommend you listen to ‘Hell's Best Kept Secret’, this audio message from Ray Comfort will help you understand the big picture of Christianity. Also, start reading the book of John in the Bible and ask God to speak to you through it. You can be forgiven for everything you have done wrong and Jesus loves you no matter what mistakes you have made! The Bible says, "If we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." (I John 1:9) Tell God that you are making a choice to forgive those that have hurt you in your life and that you desire to repent, to leave the self-centered life that you have been living. Then ask Him to become the center of and take control over your life and make you a new person. He promises He will. It's FREE!

People don't go to heaven because they are good, because everyone has done things wrong. We go to heaven because we have been forgiven! Jesus paid the penalty for our sin. That is what people call being 'saved'. We are saved from Hell. You still will be ashamed of the mistakes you have made, but the guilt will be gone because you are forgiven! God wants you to go back to people you have done things wrong to and ask for forgiveness for what you have done, telling them you have committed your life to Jesus and you now want to live for Him. You will still make mistakes in the future, but daily pray to God and He will lead you. Find a Church to plug into in your area that teaches the Bible (we attend a conservative Baptist Church), they can lovingly help lead you in your walk with Jesus Christ. We pray God will do a great work in your life. We also recommend the free Daily Success email that is packed full of God’s wisdom. It will encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with God.

In October 2008, the first season of “17 Kids & Counting!” premiered on the
TLC (The Learning Channel). This exciting new realityseries caught up with us including our various travels, Josh & Anna's Engagement & Wedding, meeting up with another large family, more logistics, time & money-saving tips from our growing family. In January 2009, season two kicked off with more surprises in each episode including a new name for the series "18 Kids & Counting!" to appropriately fit the growing family. You can go to the Discovery Health Website or the TLC Website to see exclusive video clips and photos of upcoming shows, past shows and behind-the-scenes! Make sure to catch "18 Kids & Counting!" on TLC & Discovery Health!

We have received thousands of emails over the past several years asking questions about our family. Questions from"Why do you have so many children?", to, "How can you afford them?", "Are you going to have any more?", and "How do you do it?" We are grateful for the opportunity to share the many miracles that God has done as we have sought to follow Him. Our book entitled The Duggars: 20 and Counting! is in stores now! Click here to order now online at a reduced price! In our book we share testimonies and photos from our lives and things that we have learned along the way raising 18 Kids & Counting!

Thank you for your prayers & interest in our family, we pray God will bless you and your family as you seek to follow Him.

With Joy Because of Jesus,
Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Family

Proverbs 3:5-7


2009, Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar Family
12/10/2009,(Michelle)生下第19個孩子。這個胎兒的預產期本來應該在明年3月18號,但蜜雪兒罹患膽結石,劇烈的疼痛導致她子宮收縮,醫生只好替她實施了緊急剖腹產手術,生下了第19個孩子:只有620公克重的女嬰(Josie Brooklyn)
On December 10, 2009, Michelle gave birth via emergency C-section to Josie Brooklyn Duggar, who was born three months early. Michelle had been rushed to the hospital for gallstones and then doctors discovered she had Pre-eclampsia. Josie weighed 1lb, 6oz at birth, but is in stable condition.



jordyn duggar
Jordyn-Grace Makiya Duggar
Birthdate: Dec. 18, 2008
Hobbies: Sleeping, eating
Jennifer Duggar picture
Jennifer Duggar
Birthdate: August 2, 2007
Hobbies: Playing peek-a-boo
johannah duggar picture
Johannah Faith Duggar
Birthdate: October 8, 2005
Hobbies: Buddy-in-training
jackson duggar picture
Jackson Duggar
Birthdate: May 23, 2004
Favorite Pastime: Taking baths
Favorite Food: Chicken stuffing
Future Goal: Big brother
justin duggar picture
Justin Duggar
Birthdate: November 15, 2002
Favorite Pastime: Cleaning playroom
Favorite Food: Chicken noodle soup
Future Goal: Builder
james duggar picture
James Duggar
Birthdate: July 7, 2001
Height: 39 inches
Favorite Pastime: Taking baths
Favorite Food: Chicken stuffing
Future Goal: Policeman
Jason Duggar picture 
Jason Duggar
Birthdate: April 21, 2000
Favorite Pastime: Riding horses
Favorite Food: Vanilla ice cream
Future Goal: Fireman
Jeremiah Duggar picture 

Jeremiah Duggar
Birthdate: December 30, 1998/ Jedidiah's Twin
Favorite Pastime: Playing on playground
Favorite Food: Soft pretzels
Future Goal: Artist
Jedidiah Duggar picture
Jedidiah Duggar
Birthdate: December 30, 1998 / Jeremiah's Twin
Favorite Pastime: Playing with dog
Favorite Food: Pizza
Future Goal: Dad
Joy-Anna Duggar picture
Joy-Anna Duggar
Birthdate: October 28, 1997
Favorite Pastime: Riding bikes
Favorite Food: Scrambled eggs
Future Goal: Nurse
Josiah Duggar picture
Josiah Duggar
Birthdate: August 28, 1996
Favorite Pastime: Swimming
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Future Goal: Missionary
Joseph Duggar picture
Joseph Duggar
Birthdate: January 20, 1995
Favorite Pastime: Baseball
Favorite Food: Lasagna


jinger duggar
Jinger Duggar
Birthdate: December 21, 1993
Favorite Pastime: Riding horses
Favorite Food: Lasagna
Future Goal: Chef
Jessa Duggar picture
Jessa Duggar
Birthdate: November 4, 1992
Favorite Pastime: Sewing
Favorite Food: Pickles
Future Goal: Beautician
Jill Duggar picture
Jill Duggar
Birthdate: May 17, 1991
Favorite Pastime: Reading
Favorite Food: Tacos
Future Goal: Missionary
John-David Duggar picture
John-David Duggar
Birthdate: January 12, 1990/ Jana's Twin
Favorite Pastime: Playing broomball
Favorite Food: Chicken spaghetti
Future Goal: Contractor
Jana Duggar picture
Jana Duggar
Birthdate: January 12, 1990/ John-David's Twin
Favorite Pastime: Babysitting
Favorite Food: Chicken noodle soup
Future Goal: Midwife
Joshua Duggar picture
Joshua Duggar
Birthdate: March 3, 1988
Favorite Pastime: Video production
Favorite Food: Enchiladas
Future Goal: Attorney
Jim Bob Duggar picture
Jim Bob Duggar
Birthdate: July 18, 1965
Father of 18
Fun Fact : Served 2 terms in the Arkansas House of Representatives
Michelle Duggar picture
Michelle Duggar
Birthdate: Sept. 13, 1966
Mother of 19
Fun Fact: Home-schools all her children

Duggars Learn to Drive
With 17 children and one more on the way, driving tests are an annual event at the Duggar house. In this episode, the 6th in line, Jinger, takes her first driving test. The Duggars also celebrate Michelle's birthday, and answer some email questions from viewers.

Trading Places, Duggars Style
In the Duggar home, the boys are assigned the dirty jobs including taking out the trash, working on cars, and tending to the landscaping. The girls do the cooking, the cleaning, and the rest of the household chores. Each member of this mega- family has their own chores, or jurisdictions (as the Duggars call them). But what if the genders were to switch? In this episode, find out what happens when the boys and girls switch jurisdictions for a day.

Cheaper By the Duggars
When you have 17 -- soon to be 18 -- children to care for, thrifty spending is a top priority. Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar are masters at pinching pennies. Watch how the Duggars save money when buying clothing and food, heating their home and even growing their own vegetables. You'll have a new understanding of the word thrifty after watching this episode!


Duggar Dating Rules
 Duggar courtship rituals where handholding is a privilege, saving your first kiss for you wedding day is a must, and chaperones are always tagging along.
Josh Gets Engaged
Some people think waiting until your wedding day for your first kiss with your fiance is old fashioned. The Duggars disagree.


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