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2008/05/05 21:39:35瀏覽305|回應0|推薦2

Waiting in line sucks. So does stopping all together for the yellow bus.

The worst part is to sit in the car in the left lane when the light turned green. Have to watch the white car in front of you remaining on brake on purpose. In the afternoon of (4/26), when the light is green and we were waiting for the white car in front of us to move so we can move. She just stop there for good. We honked and can you believe it? 
A monster she is helding up everyone behind her and holding up the on coming traffic by kick and go as left lane light turned red. Just like an ant, she slowly moved the car away and give us and the on coming cars dirty look with hand waving like we meant nothing.

Can't believe what I just saw, there is condescending on the road in this country. She got away and she ate people's time like a dog.
這次是個男ㄉ在左線車道 是綠燈 就是故意不前進
直到別人叭他 他還是不穴前進
直到早已亮紅燈了 他才老大不爽的前進

這種人為何要出現在世界上 我實在不懂

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