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2009/05/14 06:49

新聞來源國際替動物發聲素食聯盟(Viva)  日期: 2009-04-01 http://www.viva.org.uk/mediareleases/display.php?articlepid=177



根據歐洲最大的動物權益鼓吹團體國際替動物發聲素食聯盟(Viva),如果持續目前的趨勢,英國將於本世紀下半完全茹素(*註二). 官方統計數據顯示,英國去年比前年少屠殺了 1300 多萬隻農場養殖動物。而此一趨勢正持續中,2008 年比 2005 年要少屠殺近 5000 萬隻動物。數字下降並非因為從其它國家進口更多肉品。數據顯示,去年英國家禽肉的消費大幅下降了 67000 噸(4%豬肉消費量驚人的下降了 74000 噸(超過 5%)。 國際替動物發聲素食聯盟(Viva)相信,越來越多的英國人正欣然接受一種更慈悲健康的生活方式。此官方統計數據發佈的時間更是恰到好處,大大有助於推廣該集團的國內展演《不可思議的素食者》即將於 4 18 倫敦演出。


「然而,在英國每年為了肉食,依然有幾乎 9 億隻動物被殺害。其中大多數被殺動物壽命短的駭人聽聞,生活在骯髒惡劣的環境下,時時面臨可怕的死亡。所以我們顯然還有很長的路要走,但我們正邁向勝利。對動物的虐待及健康,和這星球近況的關懷正與日俱增;而素食和純素提供了所有這些問題的解決之道。它被需要極力推廣的程度是前所未有的。」


根據 Mintel 2006 市場調查,全英國人口的 5~6% 已茹素,而且還在上升中。
2007 年為琳達麥卡特尼食品做的調查,發現約有 10% 的英國人不吃紅肉,少吃肉的人也大為增加,而且有 3100 萬人大部分時間吃素。
純素者的數量在過去 10 年中也增加了 10 倍,多達百萬人 

平均英國人一生中吃掉 11,047 隻動物:1 頭鵝,1 隻兔,4 頭牛,18 頭豬,23 隻羊和羔羊,28 隻鴨,39 隻火雞,1,158 隻雞,3,593 個貝類和 6182 條魚
任何人都可以在以下網站檢查自己的動物屠宰率 http://www.timetogoveggie.com  

欲了解更多有關國際替動物發聲素食聯盟倡導的運動,請瀏覽 http://www.viva.org.uk

(*註一) 本新聞稿詳細的數字,請參閱http://statistics.defra.gov.uk/esg/publications/auk/2008/excel.asp  
(註:這些都是英國環境食物農村部門提供的最新數字,下次將於 2010 3 月更新)。
 (0117 944 1000 justin@viva.org.uk)  

(*註二) 據英國環境食物農村部門的統計,英國在 2008 年屠殺了 881,801,000 隻土地動物(雞,鴨,火雞,豬,綿羊和牛)。

若除以 13,035,000(2008年所減少食用的動物數目)= 依現行趨勢持續,英國需要 67.64 年才能全國茹素。http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/reviews/an-ethical-diet-the-joy-of-being-vegan-469964.html 

時間於 4 18 (週六),英國皇家園藝館,勞倫斯廳與會議中心,倫敦格雷科特街,從上午 10 點~下午 6 時。門票只需 4 英鎊(18 歲以下免費)。
Government Set to Ban Meat Across UK
Britain will be totally vegetarian within this century
MOVES are afoot to make Britain meat-free, latest Government papers have revealed.

Recently published agricultural figures from Defra* show the numbers of animals Brits are eating is fast diminishing. Whilst the Government hasn’t yet vowed to ban meat, it might not need to – as it is no April fool’s to say that Britain is already going veggie.

According to Viva! – Europe’s largest campaigning animal group – if current trends continue, the UK will be fully vegetarian by later this century**.

The latest official statistics show that last year over 13 million fewer farmed land animals were slaughtered in the UK than the year before. The group maintains that the trend is continuing downwards, with nearly 50 million fewer killed in 2008 than in 2005.

The group also argues that this fall is not because we are importing more. Figures show that consumption of poultry meat in the UK last year fell by a massive 67,000 tonnes (four percent); pig meat consumption fell by a staggering 74,000 tonnes (down by over five per cent).

Viva! maintains an increasing number of Brits are embracing a kinder, healthier lifestyle. The timing couldn’t be better and gives a boost to the group’s national event, The Incredible Veggie Show, which is being held in London on April 18.

“Even if the Government currently refuses to promote the ethical and environmental benefits of a meat-free diet, it is great that so many British consumers are making their own minds up and going veggie!”, says Viva! campaigns manager Justin Kerswell. “However, almost nine hundred million animals are still killed for meat each year in the UK, most of them living appallingly short lives in squalid conditions and facing a terrifying death so we clearly have a long way to go but we are winning. Concerns about animal cruelty, health and the state of the planet are growing daily and vegetarianism and veganism provides a solution to all of them. It’s needed like never before.”


Notes for editors

According to Mintel (2006), 5-6 per cent of the population is now vegetarian and the number is rising. A 2007 survey for Linda McCartney Foods, found that around 10 per cent of Brits eat no red meat, and there is a huge amount of ‘meat reducers’, with 31 million people eating vegetarian most of the time. The number of vegans has increased ten fold in the last 10 years, up to a million ***.

The average Brit eats 11,047 animals in his or her lifetime: 1 goose, 1 rabbit, 4 cattle, 18 pigs, 23 seep and lambs, 28 ducks, 39 turkeys, 1,158 chickens, 3,593 shellfish and 6,182 fish. Viva! provides help for those wishing to give up or cut down on meat. Anyone can check their own animal slaughter rate at http://www.timetogoveggie.com

For more information on Viva!’s campaigns go to http://www.viva.org.uk. 

* For details on the figures in this media release please see http://statistics.defra.gov.uk/esg/publications/auk/2008/excel.asp (note: these are the most up to date figures provided by Defra and will next be updated in March 2010). Or contact Viva!’s press officer Helen Rossiter or Justin Kerswell for a breakdown on  0117 944 1000  or justin@viva.org.uk.

** According to Defra statistics 881,801,000 land animals (chickens, ducks, turkeys, pigs, sheep and cattle) were slaughtered in the UK in 2008. 881,801,000 divided by 13,035,000 (the number it went down in 2008) = 67.64 (the number of years before Britain goes fully vegetarian if current trends continue).

** http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/food-and-drink/reviews/an-ethical-diet-the-joy-of-being-vegan-469964.html 

Viva!’s The Incredible Veggie Show – the largest event of its type in Europe – takes place on Saturday, April 18, at The Royal Horticultural Halls, Lawrence Hall & Conference Centre, Greycoat Street, London from 10am – 6pm. Entry is just £4 (under 18s free). For more details see www.viva.org.uk/london 


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2009/09/01 07:49