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BBQ at Heather’s home in Evergreen villa
2011/07/06 15:59:51瀏覽399|回應0|推薦3

To hike to heather’s home so so exciting.

we took bus 255 from the Shihlin(士林) MRT station to the end point, Dalunwei(大崙尾山). Through an abandon shooting range, we reached the Dalunwei trail.

It is not dangenous because of the guideposts.

After 80 minutes, the first check point- the hill-top of Mountain Daluntou(大崙頭山) was reached.


Then, we went toward the direction of Mountain Wuzhi(五指山). The trails are not artifact; in addition, they are not very clear; hence, you have to be careful to pass through them.

About 2:00 pm, we arrived at today’s destination, heather’s home. Two sweet girls had been preparing the material for BBQ. I joined them and waited the happy time to come. 


After dinner, the beautiful hostess drove us to the Neihu(內湖) MRT station. In fact, we could take bus S3 to take MRT.Thanks, Heather.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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