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NZ-4 Milford overnight cruise(1/17 modified)
2009/06/29 22:34:54瀏覽537|回應0|推薦0

Most tourists  arriving in  QueensTown prefer bungy jumping , but we joined another tour , the Milford Mariner Overnight Cruise of the Real Journey to visit this majestic sound.

Milford Sound belongs to  the Fiordland National park which  is named “the World Natural Heritage protected area” by the United Nations. Additionally , almost 99% area of this park are maintained the original appearance. Furthermore , NZ government ban to establish most artifacts besides a road and a harbor for travelling  because they want to protect the place.


We took bus from Queenstown and reached at this port about 4:00 pm . After boarding process , we stared our cruise to enjoy the fantastic seascape  - the Milford Sound. It is so magical and memorable , many dolphins encircled our cruise , maybe they felt our boat is their partner.    After delicious dinner , we enjoyed the most  peaceful and comfortable night of my life.

When dawn came , the cruise brought us up and down with the strong waves. Unlike it's appearance , the surge shook our cruise, but we did not feel scared  because we saw many sea animals . This was the first time I witnessed sea lions , magically , they waved their front left leg to greet us.

( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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