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The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between,
2015/07/08 10:12:17瀏覽255|回應0|推薦0

How would you feel like if you lived under a roof that weighed 200 tons? I think it would be fair to say that most people would find the prospect more than a bit daunting. Yet, for residents of the quaint Portuguese village of Monsanto, this is just part of life and they are getting on with it.

In the picturesque village which sits 2,486 above sea level, homes are squeezed between, under and even within gigantic 200-ton rocks. The massive boulders are being used as walls, floors and most incredibly, as roofs for houses, most of which date back to the 16th century.

In 1938, Monsanto was named “the most Portuguese village in Portugal”, in a class of twelve classified historic villages in Portugal. It is located in the municipality of Idanha-a-Nova, in eastern Portugal and near the Spanish border.

Even today, the humble donkey remains the preferred mode of transport for Monsanto’s 800 residents, who have managed to keep the village’s medieval character. Monsanto’s origins can be traced to the Early Stone Age at the time of the ice-ages. Later, the Ancient Romans settled at the base of the mountain. There are also traces from the Visigoth in the early Middle Ages and an even earlier Arab presence has been found in the area.

In the 12th century, King Afonso Henriques captured Monsanto from the Moors as part of the Christian re-conquest of the Iberian Peninsula. In 1165, he granted the custody of the city to a knights’ order of the church, first to the Order of Knights Templar, and later to the Order of Santiago. (Scroll down for the video.)

Read more at http://www.viralspell.com/the-houses-in-this-portuguese-village-are-built-between-under-and-even-within-huge-rocks-and-it-is-stunningly-beautiful/#SsDRDyafCxARGwHM.99
1. ‘I like that boulder. That is a nice boulder': Villagers in Monsanto, Portugal have made their homes around ancient boulders.

image: http://www.viralspell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mo-1.jpg

The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between, Under And Even Within Huge Rocks. And It Is Stunningly Beautiful...

2. The boulders, weighing up to 200-tons, have been utilized for walls, floors and even ceilings (pictured).

image: http://www.viralspell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mo-2.jpg

The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between, Under And Even Within Huge Rocks. And It Is Stunningly Beautiful...

3. The lush green land with homes built into the landscape looks like something out of Lord of the Rings.

image: http://www.viralspell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mo-3.jpg

The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between, Under And Even Within Huge Rocks. And It Is Stunningly Beautiful...

4. Villagers have formed their homes around the existing boulders, rather than attempt to move them.

image: http://www.viralspell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mo-4.jpg

The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between, Under And Even Within Huge Rocks. And It Is Stunningly Beautiful...

5. The ancient village, formed out of the granite rocks on the mountain, has stood the test of time.

image: http://www.viralspell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mo-5.jpg

The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between, Under And Even Within Huge Rocks. And It Is Stunningly Beautiful...

6. The cliffs surrounding the village are strewn with enormous rocks.

image: http://www.viralspell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mo-6.jpg

The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between, Under And Even Within Huge Rocks. And It Is Stunningly Beautiful...

7. These beautiful pictures were captured by Xalima Miriel, from Spain.

image: http://www.viralspell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mo-7.jpg

The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between, Under And Even Within Huge Rocks. And It Is Stunningly Beautiful...

8. Monsanto is perched at 2,486 feet above sea level.

image: http://www.viralspell.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/mo-8.jpg

The Houses In This Portuguese Village Are Built Between, Under And Even Within Huge Rocks. And It Is Stunningly Beautiful...

And here is a video of the stunning Portuguese village:

Source: The Daily Mail.

Share this unique village’s beauty with your friends and your thoughts in the comments below.

Read more at http://www.viralspell.com/the-houses-in-this-portuguese-village-are-built-between-under-and-even-within-huge-rocks-and-it-is-stunningly-beautiful/#SsDRDyafCxARGwHM.99

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