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Beyond a Bumbler?
2012/11/18 14:00:33瀏覽813|回應0|推薦1

bumbler之解釋 可查 牛津英英字典,有awkward或confused之意.

Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler.



Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler.

到底是何意呢? 網友自行判斷吧!


Beyond a Bumbler?


Ma the bumbler     The Economist Nov 17th 2012



【 權力傲慢?】馬喜為財團 大鬆綁法令? 2012/11/5


馬喜為財團 大鬆綁法令? 2009/11/24



台灣有雙面怪獸? 2012/9/20



有「職權不同 貪腐 不沾鍋」 偏門的司法環境下, 「權力傲慢、清廉自許」雙面領導者 管理 人民。

先有怪獸? 還是先有大環境?

許多戴有色眼鏡的人民,看不見雙面怪獸? 怨嘆傻子無能?"


「笨拙」風波 馬總統促駐英代表抗議【聯合報】2012.11.18




英國「經濟學人」雜誌刊出以「馬英九:笨拙的總統」(Ma the bumbler)為題的報導,引發風波。據透露,馬總統高度重視這篇文章,除了要求相關部會針對文中所提的問題提出解決之道外,昨天更要求外交部透過駐英代表處對「經濟學人」適度提出抗議,並投書澄清。








‧經濟學人/Ma the bumbler


【2012/11/18 聯合報】


「bumbler」失敗者、無能 歐巴馬也挨罵過 Nownews

2012年11月16日 19:51


國際知名雜誌《經濟學人》(The economist)直批「馬英九是笨蛋(Ma the bumbler)」,這篇報導一刊出馬上引起國人注意;事實上,「bumbler」不只有笨蛋、愚蠢的意思,更是指失敗者、作錯事與無能的人;連任成功的美國總統歐巴馬也曾被批為「bumbler」。

根據維基百科、牛津辭典的解釋,「bumbler」一詞的意思都接近於「因無能而犯下錯誤的人」;這樣的解釋也與《經濟學人》的內容不謀而合,文章內的用詞甚至更狠,狠批馬是「無能的笨蛋(ineffectual bumbler)」。

剛結束不久的美國大選,也曾因「bumbler」一詞引起軒然大波,羅姆尼的顧問兼助選員桑努努(John Sununu)曾在10月初、選情進入白熱化的階段,重批歐巴馬一句「We have a 'bumbler' in the White House(我們有個白癡在白宮裡)」,當時這句話也引起極大的爭議。



2012-11-17 自由時報

經濟學人:笨蛋,馬英九// 總統府:檢討改進 網友:笨到獲得「國際認證」也是台灣之光


知名的英國經濟學人雜誌(The Economist)昨以「笨蛋,馬英九」(Ma the bumbler)為題,批評台灣總統馬英九,副題中點出︰曾是萬人迷的馬英九,現在已經喪失光環。(取自經濟學人網頁)

知名的英國經濟學人雜誌(The Economist)昨以「笨蛋,馬英九」(Ma the bumbler)為題,批評台灣總統馬英九原被民眾寄予厚望,但執政五年來,民眾生活不見改善,薪資停滯、房價高漲、出口衰退,馬的民調支持度創歷史新低、僅剩十三趴,使得全國似都同意︰馬先生是個沒用的笨蛋(Mr. Ma is an ineffectual bumbler)。



馬曾是萬人迷 今光環盡失





該硬時不硬 政策經常轉彎






Ma the bumbler   The Economist


A former heart-throb loses his shine

Nov 17th 2012 | TAIPEI | from the print edition

WHEN he was first elected in 2008, Taiwan’s president, Ma Ying-jeou, offered Taiwanese high hopes that the island’s economy would open a new chapter. He promised ground-breaking agreements with China to help end Taiwan’s growing economic marginalisation. At the time, Mr Ma’s image was of a clean technocrat able to rise above the cronyism and infighting of his party, the Kuomintang (KMT). He was a welcome contrast to his fiery and pro-independence predecessor, Chen Shui-bian, now in jail for corruption.

Five years on, and despite being handily re-elected ten months ago, much has changed. In particular, popular satisfaction with Mr Ma has plummeted, to a record low of 13%, according to the TVBS Poll Centre. The country appears to agree on one thing: Mr Ma is an ineffectual bumbler.

Ordinary people do not find their livelihoods improving. Salaries have stagnated for a decade. The most visible impact of more open ties with China, which include a free-trade agreement, has been property speculation in anticipation of a flood of mainland money. Housing in former working-class areas on the edge of Taipei, the capital, now costs up to 40 times the average annual wage of $15,400. The number of families below the poverty line has leapt. Labour activists have taken to pelting the presidential office with eggs.

Exports account for 70% of GDP. So some of Taiwan’s problems are down to the dismal state of rich-world economies. Yet Mr Ma’s leadership is also to blame. He has failed to paint a more hopeful future, with sometimes hard measures needed now. Worse, he frequently tweaks policies in response to opposition or media criticism. It suggests indecisiveness.

Public anger first arose in June, when Mr Ma raised the price of government-subsidised electricity. Few Taiwanese understood why, even though Taiwan’s state-owned power company loses billions. In the face of public outrage, Mr Ma postponed a second round of electricity price rises scheduled for December. They will now take place later next year.

People are also worried that a national pension scheme is on course for bankruptcy in less than two decades. Yet Mr Ma cannot bring himself to raise premiums sharply, because of the temporary unpopularity it risks. When Mr Ma does try to appeal to Taiwanese who make up the island’s broad political centre, it often backfires with his party’s core supporters. Following public grumbles that retired civil servants, teachers and ex-servicemen were a privileged group, the cabinet announced plans to cut more than $300m in year-end bonuses, affecting around 381,000. The trouble was, veterans are among the KMT’s most fervent backers. Now some threaten to take to the streets in protest and deprive the KMT of their votes until the plan is scrapped. Meanwhile, Mr Ma’s clean image has been sullied by the indictment of the cabinet secretary-general for graft.

Cracks are starting to grow in the KMT façade. Recently Sean Lien, a prominent politician, criticised Mr Ma’s economic policies, saying that any politician in office during this time of sluggish growth was at best a “master of a beggar clan”—implying a country of paupers.

But the next election is four years away, and presidential hopefuls will not try to oust or even outshine Mr Ma anytime soon. After all, they will not want to take responsibility for the country’s economic problems. Nothing suggests Mr Ma’s main policies will change (or that they should), but his credibility is draining by the day.


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