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Spring Smoulders with Jorja Fox
2009/04/27 20:00:16瀏覽1387|回應0|推薦1

GWG是一個綠色環保服飾品牌 , 今年請了Jorja代言 .

Green With Glamour, an eco friendly store run by two Chicagoans (one former, one current), has selected Jorja Fox as their Spring Advocate.

Pictured in a lovely Tabitha Trench and Silver Embrace necklace, Jorja shows that you can be fashionable and eco-friendly all at the same time.

來看看Jorja幫他們拍的一些圖圖吧 ~~



不愧是麻豆出身的Jorja ~

舉手投足間的魅力依然讓人驚艷 ~

哇哈哈... 笑起來的 Jorja 好漂亮吧 !!


( 心情隨筆其他 )
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