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WP (Grissom) 和Jorja (Sara) 有可能回歸CSI ?!
2009/04/04 23:41:36瀏覽825|回應0|推薦2

日前CSI第200集 (S9-18) 的導演 William Friedkin 接受TV Guide 雜誌訪問時說到 

如果有量身打造並適合WP的情節劇本 , WP有可能會回歸個幾集 ,

當然 Jorja也可能會一起回來 ... !!

以下是節錄訪問的內容 ... 


TVGuide.com: Since Petersen remains an executive producer, didhe come in and watch the filming? Did he seem like he was itching toget back in front of the camera?

Friedkin:He came down for two or three days, yeah. We're very close friends. I'mjust crazy about him. I sort of discovered him, and we've stayed veryclose over the years and I'm not at all surprised by his success. He'sone of the hardest working actors I know and when you consider that heleft [CSI] at the very top to go back to Chicago to do plays —you know, his dedication to his craft is, to me, unprecedented. I'vemet a lot of people who started in theater and say they're going to dothat and then they never do because the money's so good. You know whatthe money is on a television series [after] nine years? I imagine hecould've eked it out for several more years. They love him in that role.

Ithink he'll do a few [more episodes] as he said he would. I think ifthey can craft some special stories for him... I think Jorja [Fox] willas well. But it was really a pleasure to work with the other guys. Ilove working with Marg [Helgenberger] and Paul [Guilfoyle] and George[Eads], Eric [Szmanda]. Liz Vassey I think is underused on that show. Ithink she's wonderful. I'll tell you, I've been on feature films wherethe actors aren't as prepared as they are on that show.


哈哈哈 ... 雖然不知何時才能實現 , 但總是給了我們等下去的希望 ~~

如果可以的話 , 真希望能早一些看到呢 ...

畢竟有WP (Grissom) 和Jorja (Sara) 的CSI , 才是我熟悉的CSI啊 ....

好吧 ! 最後就順便來看個200集的Party 報導視頻吧 !


( 心情隨筆其他 )
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