Happy Birthday to Dear Jorja ~~
It's that day! Jorja is the lovely and wonderful 40!
This is to hoping that Jorja has an amazing day.
And don't we all wish that look HALF as good as she does at her age *sigh*
Below, feel free to post birthday wishes and art and whatever loving-ness you have for our girl!
(As for the scrapbook it was sent off express post last week. My camera crapped out half way through taking pictures, so if you like to see the few I did take, lemme know.)
Have a nice one Jorja &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts
今天是Jorja的40歲生日 ...
祝福她永遠的幸福如意 ... 喜樂健康~
同時也希望Jorja早日的回到大家面前 ,
阿 ~~ 好想她 ...
Dear Jorja~
With you have a Happy Birthday
and everyday ~ !!