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2008/06/15 23:06:24瀏覽842|回應4|推薦0 | |
繼續來複習第五季後段的GSR ... 5 x13 ... 對GSR迷對Sara迷來說 , 又是難忘的一集 . Sara的身世還有晦澀的過去 , 全都在這一集真相大白 . 故事從一開始老葛因為自己愛玩去幫Cath姐分開那兩俱被瀝青黏住的屍體 , 結果老葛不小心弄壞了頭骨 , 於是便把Sara推給Cath去幫忙那個案子 ... Sara在實驗室與Cath姐起爭執被Ecklie聽到 , Ecklie要求Sara向Cath姐道歉Sara不願意 , 於是被罰停職停薪兩個禮拜 ... 當然於公於私 , 老葛都要來看看Sara安慰並了解一番 ... 唉 ~ 光握住手怎麼夠 !? 爲什麼不去抱住她呢 ?? 果然木頭就是木頭阿 ... (She opens the door and finds Grissom standing outside her front door. She SARA: Well, if you're here, it can't be good. GRISSOM: Can I come in? (She steps back to let Grissom in. She lifts her beer bottle at him.) SARA: Want to ask me if I'm drunk? GRISSOM: We both know that's not your problem. (He steps into the room. Sara closes the door. Grissom turns around.) GRISSOM: I spoke to Catherine. SARA: (nods) Ecklie? GRISSOM: He wants me to fire you. SARA: I figured. (She sighs.) SARA: Can I get you anything? GRISSOM: Sure. An explanation. SARA: I ... lost my temper. (Sara walks around the room and stops in front of the chair near her desk.) GRISSOM: That seems to be happening quite a bit. Do you know why? SARA: What difference does it make? I'm still fired. GRISSOM: It makes a difference to me. (Standing a room apart, Sara takes her best shot at giving him an explanation.) SARA: I have a problem with authority. I choose men who are emotionally GRISSOM: "Have you ever gone a week without a rationalization?" (Sara takes a breath, but before she can say anything, Grissom explains.) GRISSOM: It's from the "Big Chill". One of the characters explaining a basic (Sara sits down.) SARA: I am not rationalizing anything. I crossed the line with Catherine, and GRISSOM: Why? SARA: (shakes her head) Leave it alone. GRISSOM: No, Sara. SARA: What do you want from me? GRISSOM: I want to know why you're so angry. (Sara stares at Grissom.) (Sara and Grissom sit facing each other. The light from the setting sun filters SARA: It's funny ... the things that you remember and the things that you don't, you know. There was a smell of iron in the air. Cast-off on the bedroom wall. There was this young cop puking his guts. I remember the woman who took me to foster care. I can't remember her name. Which is strange, you know, 'cause I couldn't let go of her hand. GRISSOM: Well ... the mind has its filters. SARA: I do remember the looks. I became the girl whose father was stabbed to GRISSOM: I don't believe that genes are a predictor of violent behavior. SARA: You wouldn't know that in my house. The fights, the yelling, the trips to the hospital. I thought it was the way that everybody lived. When my mother killed my father, I found out that it wasn't. (Sara starts to cry. Grissom reaches out and holds her hand.) 當然最後 , 老葛拒絕了Ecklie要開除Sara的要求 . GRISSOM: She's a great criminalist, Conrad. And I need her. CONRAD ECKLIE: I'm sure you do. You know what? (He stands up.) She's a loose 在之後 , Sara回到實驗室工作 , 藉工作來淡化這一些事情 . 老葛沒提 , Sara沒問 , Ecklie也不想理這之間的事 ... -------------------------- 5 x19 是當中的一個小插曲 ... Sara和小葛調查一個命案現場時因懷疑現場有危險化學物質 , 所以必須臨時接受化學浴消毒 . 當老葛不小心偷聽到他們一起"洗澡"的對話時 , 他眼睛一副忌妒到要噴火的表情 , 真是可愛 ~~ GREG: Sara, I just want you to know, when we were in the shower, I didn't see SARA: Really? Gosh, I saw everything. (Grissom stops and stares as Sara and Greg continue through the hallway.) (老葛 ... 你再不快一點 , 當心我家Sara被小葛追走喔 ~~ 呵呵 !) ---------------------- 在 5 x 21的時候 , 又是讓人捏把冷汗的一集 ... 老葛和Sara到某精神病院調查一患者被殺死亡事件 . 當然這樣的地方 , 對Sara來說是充滿著許多不愉快的過去 , 所以她的壓力也是特別的大 . 一開始 , Sara就差點在採證的過程中被攻擊 , 而最後是真的被疑兇關在辦公室內挾持 ... 而老葛阿老葛 ... 你在面對Sara遇到這樣危急的時候 , 竟然只能呆站在那邊看著 , 並要求快點開門 , 是該算你冷靜嗎 ? 唉~~ 下面是老葛小小安慰Sara的片段 , 人家老葛正在關心Sara 中 , 那個TMD護士 , 竟敢還跑來興師問罪!? 切 ~~ ((老葛 , 回去後要好好安慰Sara的身心(大誤)喔 !! 嘻嘻...)) ------------------- 第五季的GSR的部分 , 就在這樣充滿不確定的情況下結束 ... 他們對彼此的心意在這一季算是毫無疑問了 , 不確定的是他們該如何面對處理呢 ? 這些當然他們在劇中不會清楚說明 , 就留給GSR的粉絲自己去猜測想像了 ... 他們的情路 , 依然繼續在坎坷中前行 ... |
( 心情隨筆|其他 ) |