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2008/06/14 22:07:49瀏覽567|回應2|推薦1 | |
今天想來寫寫第五季的部分 ... 第五季是老葛和Sara兩人情感飛躍關鍵的一季 . 隨著第四季末 , 4 x 24 最後一幕老葛在警局握著Sara的手說 : "Come on , I take you home ." 第五季的開頭就以Sara在更衣室裡對著鏡子練習要向老葛告白(大誤)展開 . (其實是準備向老葛報告她PEAP心裡諮詢的結果啦^^") SARA: So I had some time to think while I was away. Enough time to figure out why I made such a stupid mistake. I-I do not have a drinking problem. I have a, uh, me problem. (Different angle. We see Sara talking to her reflection in the locker mirror - "rehearsing".) SARA: My P.E.A.P. Counselor suggested that it would be a good idea for me to talk to my supervisor and that's you, Grissom, so ... I never told you about my family. I never told anyone about my family, why would I ... (被Greg打斷的Sara , 之後鼓起勇氣去找老葛 ...) SARA: Can I talk to you real quick? GRISSOM: Certainly. Have you been seeing your P.E.A.P. Counselor? SARA: (nods) Yeah. GRISSOM: How's it going? SARA: Well, it's been interesting. (There's a loud crash from the DNA lab. Glass breaks. Sara and Grissom look back at the lab and Greg looks sheepishly back at them through the glass wall. He points back at the mess.) SARA: (to Grissom) It's going to be a busy night, huh? GRISSOM: Mmm. SARA: We'll talk later. (Sara starts to leave. Oh, look, the white assignment board is back.) GRISSOM: Are you sure? SARA: (nods) Yeah, yeah. (Sara leaves.) 因為新來的DNA檢驗員的關係 , Sara與老葛的對話就匆匆結束了 . 而這次的會談結果拖到5 x 12 時才又繼續 ... ------------------- 不知道是4 x 24 的關係 , 第五季老葛對Sara的態度有了很明顯的改變 . 是心疼所以小心翼翼 , 是關愛所以私心呵護 . 從502開始就可以發現許多"葛氏"的甜言與柔情 ... (She takes a swab of the blood on the door.) SARA: I don't have a death wish, and I'm not a drunk, in case you were worried. GRISSOM: I'm not worried. (beat) I'm concerned. (Grissom turns and walks away. A small smile plays around Sara's lips. He ------------------------ 5 x 03 時的暗暗小稱讚 ... GRISSOM: What is that? Homework research? SARA: Maybe. These are pretty detailed biochem and immunosuppressant citations. GRISSOM: I don't know. I bet you were a pretty smart seventh grader. (Sara can't help but smile. Grissom picks up a purple and blue plastic backpack -------------------- 5 x 05 前段的端咖啡..與兩人似乎意有所指的談話 ... (Grissom walks up to Sara and takes the seat next to her. He's holding two cups SARA: Thank you. I know I'm supposed to be objective ... but I think I have a GRISSOM: Well, they're consenting adults, it's not illegal. At most, they only 加上本集最後面兩人在走廊上的對話 , 幾乎是他們當時心情的最佳寫照 . 要如何面對這段關係 , 要如何處理這段關係 , 如果要在一起會遇到什麼問題又該怎麼作 ...? GS的感情路 , 走到了一個要如何繼續下去的十字路口 ... (Sara and Grissom step out of the interview room. Together, they walk down the SARA: Arrive as a couple, leave as a couple. GRISSOM: No photos, no video. SARA: No affairs. GRISSOM: And the kids must never know. 看來他們是決定將感情走入地下 , 偷偷摸摸(誤)才是保護這段情感的最好方法!! --------------------------- 接著 , 故事到了5 x 12 , 也就是季初的那個會談的繼續 ... (Sara walks up to Grissom's office and knocks on the door.) SARA: (smiles) Hi. (She steps inside. Grissom looks up and takes his glasses off.) SARA: You got a minute? GRISSOM: Sure. SARA: We really haven't had a chance to talk since the staff changes. (She sits down.) I, uh ... I wanted to let you know that I said some things to Ecklie that might have done the team a disservice. GRISSOM: Ecklie wanted to break up the team and he did. SARA: He asked me if you and I had had our post-P-E-A-P counseling session. GRISSOM: And we didn't. Regardless, you should never have to cover for your boss. I'm sorry. SARA: You've always been a little more than a boss to me. (She gives him a small smile.) SARA: Why do you think I moved to Vegas? Look, I know our relationship has been complicated. It's probably my fault. It's probably definitely my fault. GRISSOM: You, uh, completed your counseling, right? SARA: Yeah. Yes. GRISSOM: And ... ? SARA: Let's just say that ... I sometimes ... I look for validation in inappropriate places. (They lapse into silence.) GRISSOM: Look ... let's, um ...(Again, they lapse into silence.) SARA: It's okay. Okay. You know what, we did our session. Don't forget to document this for Ecklie. (She smiles.) GRISSOM: Right. SARA: Thanks.(Sara stands up and leaves.) (來看看這段視頻吧 ...) ----------------------- 然後就進入第五季後半 ... 5 x 13 也就是Sara"爆發"的一集了 ... 所以 , 明天繼續 .... |
( 心情隨筆|其他 ) |