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CSI - GaryDoudan : Guilty, But No Jail
2008/05/29 07:17:55瀏覽376|回應1|推薦0

這是關於 Gary Doudan(Warrick的飾演者)之前案子的判決新聞 .


CSI- GaryDoudan : Guilty, But No Jail

Gary Dourdan pleaded guilty to two of the felony possession charges against him and won't have to serve any jail time.

The first charged against him, for having heroin, was dropped. He pleaded guilty to the possession of coke and ecstasy charges.

Dourdan's mega-lawyer, Shawn Chapman Holley, tells TMZ he will enter a treatment program -- but it isn't rehab -- that consists of 30 hours of classes which usually meet once a week. He needs to enroll in the classes by June 11 and the charges will be dismissed when he completes the program.

(下面是Gary步出法院時的視頻連接 ...)

這是另一則相關新聞視頻 ...


不知道這樣的判決是否可以讓Warrick "起死回生" ??

還是靜待第九季的到來吧 ...

( 心情隨筆其他 )
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2008/05/29 11:17

我想"起死回生"的機率不大,根據CSI Files上製作人的說法,他們安排此線是早在Gary惹出麻煩之前,所以....可能....ANYWAY,我看到WIKI上的劇透,還是有點小小的希望,啊!希望那劇透是真的呀。

補拉得(gld80707) 於 2008-05-29 12:51 回覆:

安排此線是很早.. 只是結局有時還是會有意外發展 ...

啊.. 我也希望那個小劇透會成真說 ..

只是現在的風聲太多..多到很多都變 "傳說"..@@"
