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Jorja ~ Thanking the Monkey Interview視頻
2008/05/18 11:56:05瀏覽388|回應0|推薦0

Jorja ~ Thanking the Monkey Interview

這是Jorja在5月4日的一個訪談 ,

現在有視頻了 .. 所以貼上來分享一下~


It was a star-studded event at the book launch of Karen Dawn’s “Thanking The Monkey,” where Jorja Fox discussed tips on going green.

Interviewer: What are some tips you have to going green?

Jorja Fox: Going green? Oh, wow, I love it. Well, you know, start with the simple stuff. There's some very simple things you can do. Recycling, obviously, I think we're all doing that in California. I'm amazed. I go visit some of my family members across the country, and they don't have recycling centers yet. And most of them are doing it themselves anyway. I am a big believer in reusing, you know what I mean. Everything down to like shoping for clothes and stuff, everything you want is probably already out there already anyway. Go to a secondhand store or a thrift shop, and rather than buy something new, buy something that's already still cool.


這是關於Karen Dawn寫的一本書 "Thanking The Monkey" ,

根據jiayann神人的解釋 , 這是關於一個環保的活動的採訪,

Jorja受邀參加並接受訪問 ...Jorja 被問她做到環保的小訣竅是什麼,





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