貌似今年一月份時Jorja幫 " PSAs " 拍了一個宣傳視頻 , 下面是相關資訊 ...
(( PSAs ... 好像是某個保護動物 [紅毛猩猩] 的組織 ... 我猜啦 @@" ))
Public Service Announcements (PSAs)
We spent a few days this past January in sunny California filming our first set of Public Service Announcements (PSAs). We would like to personally thank the stars, Tatjana Patitz and Jorja Fox, who graciously volunteered their time and talents to our cause, as well as Jim Denault for offering to film the PSAs. We'd also like to thank Hayley Moss, without whom it never would have happened. We were able to gather a nearly all-volunteer crew on very short notice as well as borrow some top quality gear. And when we did have to pay, most of the vendors were very sympathetic to our cause and gave us incredibly generous discounts.
In no particular order, we would like to thank the following people and companies: Claire F. Cario, Anne Clements, Cindy Peters, Jamie Feldman, Siobhan Dunne, Natasha Giraldo, Jason Brown, Mondo Vila, John Cassidy, Kevin Chikanis, Alexander Falk, Tiffany Nathanson, John Wright, Leila, Shannon Bucci, Peter Johnston, Anthony Astrino, Samantha Davis, Safi Shabaik, Megan Fisk, Eva Kolodner, David Gil, Patrick Flynn, Clairmont Camera, Siren Studios & Native Foods.
The PSAs are in the final stage of post-production. Once they are edited and ready to go, we will be debuting them online. They will be available on our website and YouTube -- as well as our Facebook and MySpace pages. We are also hoping to air them on Animal Planet and at any media outlet that will play them.
L.A. PSA: Filming with Jorja Fox
Photos by Safi Shabaik
關於地球環境保護及愛護動物方面 , Jorja總是不遺餘力的積極參與 ,
每當參與這些活動時 , Jorja的神情都散發出一種驚人的美!!
很喜歡這樣的Jorja , 超喜歡!!
來貼一個這個組織的視頻 .. 關於受他們保護的小紅毛猩猩們..
真的 ... 很可愛喔!!