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2008/04/18 19:22:08瀏覽648|回應1|推薦2 | |
Jorja Fox visits Costa Rica ((Jorja哥斯大黎加旅遊中...)) Jorja Fox, actress that played Sara Sidle and that said GoodBye of CSI in the episode ``GoodBye & Good Luck´´ visit Guanacaste, Costa Rica in Central American, for a week. The actress stay in the hotel Cala Luna, in the beach Langosta of Tamarindo, when she share with the workers of the company and the rest of the people in the hotel, inform a comiunicate to press from Luis Castrillo, from Servicios Periodisticos Globales (SPG) S.A. Fox also visited another beaches from Guanacaste when she share kindly with the poblation and when she also met details from the culture of the province. ((這是從JAA一位網友的Blog中的相片 .. 好像是說 , Jorja目前正在哥斯大黎加旅行中.. 但是..當然她內容寫的是蝦米我是都不知道的啦~~")) ------------------------------------------- 接下來是Jorja的小新聞 .. 貌似Jorja將在5月3日參與一個動物保護組織的活動介紹 ... COUNTRY HOE DOWN Jorja Fox Grab your cowboy hat and dust off your cowgirl boots -- it's the Animal Acres COUNTRY HOE DOWN! Gather with people who care about cows, and other farm animals, and have a great time for a good cause! ((@@"..同樣的..這篇在寫什麼我依然是不會知道的啦~~)) ------------以上是popo部負責任轉貼報導------------ 其實 , Jorja暫時離開CSI這個環境也好 , 就像她說的 , CSI每集的劇本常常都是真實事件改編 , 你知道有那些事情發生 , 你就很難不受它影響 . 某方面和Sara很像的Jorja , 外表活潑內心卻細膩易感 , 長期面對這些對她來說真的是很大的壓力 . 所以 , 看到Jorja現在的表情充滿陽光歡笑 , 也爲她高興 . 不過當然還是會希望當Jorja休息過後盡快回到CSI來與大家見面 .. Jorja , I really really miss you so much ~~ |
( 心情隨筆|其他 ) |