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印度 - Pushkar城
2010/09/11 00:46:15瀏覽409|回應0|推薦2

Pushkar! 純粹地路過此地,非常寧靜的小城.在城外荒郊我們停在一個小小的茶店喝茶...

Pushkar is a quaint and colorful village between Jaipur and Jodpur. We stopped for lunch and some walking around - car free!

 View from the Chill Out Cafe.

Do not be fooled!

There is no good coffee - anywhere. Coffee culture is more alive in South India.

We drove right into a serious street fest celebrating a Muslim special day. All the boys wielding sticks and swords and waving them around wildly.

This is my National Geographic moment for India...exactly as I pictured it!

More roadside Chai. Tea House

Here it was very peaceful and quiet.

All the trucks are colorfully hand painted!


( 休閒生活旅人手札 )
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