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2010/04/12 18:31:33瀏覽314|回應0|推薦0
Public Class Form1
    Dim a(7), b(7), c(7) As Control
    Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
        a(1) = Label1 : a(2) = Label2 : a(3) = Label3 : a(4) = Label4 : a(5) = Label5 : a(6) = Label6 : a(7) = Label7
        b(1) = TextBox1 : b(2) = TextBox2 : b(3) = TextBox3 : b(4) = TextBox4 : b(5) = TextBox5 : b(6) = TextBox6 : b(7) = TextBox7
        c(1) = Label8 : c(2) = Label9 : c(3) = Label10 : c(4) = Label11 : c(5) = Label12 : c(6) = Label13 : c(7) = Label14

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
        Dim week As String
        Dim c1, c2, c3, c4, ctoday, ctotal As Integer
        Dim W(7), car(4) As Integer

        FileOpen(1, "c:/940307.sm", OpenMode.Input)

        For i = 1 To 7
            W(i) = 0
        ctotal = 0

        Do While Not EOF(1)
            Input(1, week)

            ctoday = 0
            Input(1, c1) : Input(1, c2) : Input(1, c3) : Input(1, c4)
            ctoday = c1 + c2 + c3 + c4
            ctotal = ctotal + ctoday

            Select Case week
                Case "MONDAY"
                    W(1) = W(1) + ctoday
                Case "TUESDAY"
                    W(2) = W(2) + ctoday
                Case "WEDNESDAY"
                    W(3) = W(3) + ctoday
                Case "THURSDAY"
                    W(4) = W(4) + ctoday
                Case "FRIDAY"
                    W(5) = W(5) + ctoday
                Case "SATURDAY"
                    W(6) = W(6) + ctoday
                Case "SUNDAY"
                    W(7) = W(7) + ctoday

            End Select

        GroupBox2.Text = "依星期別"
        For i = 1 To 7
            a(i).Text = "星期" & Mid("一二三四五六日", i, 1)
            b(i).Width = 300 * W(i) / ctotal
            c(i).Text = Format(W(i), "###,###")
            c(i).Left = b(i).Left + b(i).Width + 10

    End Sub

    Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
        Dim cTotal, car(4), c1, c2, c3, c4, T As Integer
        Dim week, type(4), TT As String

        FileOpen(1, "C:/940307.sm", OpenMode.Input)
        For i = 1 To 4
            car(i) = 0
        ctotal = 0
        type(1) = "大型車" : type(2) = "中型車" : type(3) = "小型車" : type(4) = "公務車"
        Do While Not EOF(1)
            Input(1, week)
            Input(1, c1) : car(1) = car(1) + c1
            Input(1, c2) : car(2) = car(2) + c2
            Input(1, c3) : car(3) = car(3) + c3
            Input(1, c4) : car(4) = car(4) + c4
            ctotal = ctotal + c1 + c2 + c3 + c4
        For i = 1 To 3
            For j = 1 To 4 - i
                If car(j) > car(j + 1) Then
                    T = car(j) : car(j) = car(j + 1) : car(j + 1) = T
                    TT = type(j) : type(j) = type(j + 1) : type(j + 1) = TT
                End If
        GroupBox2.Text = "依車輛別"
        For i = 1 To 7
            If i <= 4 Then
                a(i).Text = type(i)
                b(i).Width = 300 * car(i) / cTotal
                c(i).Text = Format(car(i), "###,###")
                c(i).Left = b(i).Left + b(i).Width + 10
                a(i).Text = ""
                b(i).Width = 0
                c(i).Text = ""
            End If
    End Sub
End Class

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