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Thank you Lord
2010/03/13 08:10:53瀏覽268|回應0|推薦5

Thank you oh my Lord...

Lonely No Longer for me because of you....

You give many blessing from your heaven to our human being....

I am not lonely because you also give me many friends as your gift.....

I satisfy because I follow your step...

I satisfy because I could be your servant...

Thank you Lord...

Thank you Lord...

Thank you Lord...


"He cares for each one as if there were not another on the face of the earth” (The Desire of Ages, p. 480) and "He watches over His children with a love that is measureless and everlasting” (The Ministry of Healing, p. 482).


On those days when you feel alone, remember that the Creator of the universe loves you with an immense love. In those moments of your life when you feel like all hope is gone, remember that the Creator of the universe is your best friend. He is committed to your eternal happiness. He is interested in every aspect of your life. He longs to fill your life with a sense of purpose.


His plans for your life are bigger, greater, and higher than you can possibly imagine. Choose today to come out of your dark dungeon of despair into the bright, warm sunshine of His love. Simply put, He cares. Let Him fill your heart, and rejoice.


( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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