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2008/04/02 12:16:37瀏覽3655|回應5|推薦191 | |
Hi paul 我希望你不介意我把你寫給我的信給po出來 因為你留在guest boook 又沒用悄悄話功能 所以每一位網友都看的到 回白馬王子的信 今早一登上自己的blog 還特別花時間寫信給我 I really appreciate your time 我打中文好了 因為這次生病後發生癲癇 我英文很多字要花很多時間才拼湊的出來 請見諒 現在出門身旁一定需要escort hahaha 剛好菜市場名的張耀仁可以陪我出席 如果你在台灣的話 howl howl howl 我一定求你wife to be my vis-a-vis Unfortunately you won't be here tomorrow 你在國外有看過我的新聞嗎? 這次steroid讓我gain the 快7kg 生完小孩後的我一直保持41kg 如果讓我罩杯cup up up up 我實在不介意 我就要抗議了 現在以前愛穿mini skirt的我 現在穿上脫下都像拔河一樣 一定需要倆個人拉拉扯扯 看起來像single combat or grapple 我居然成為grapple 怪不得異性緣zero 想當年的我wahaha 那要擔心沒人愛 ㄎㄎ好像太誇張了 不要k我 You asked me One thing when we get old I don't know if you can recognize me if we meet on the street of course I can recognize you right away 因為高中長相大概也已經定型了吧 you and 張耀仁 both will always on my mind didustill recognize me when u saw my pictures? Wherever you might be on this earth My blessings are always next to you 最後祝您 Every success in your business and Please give my regards to your family love and miss u vicky Hi! Sorry I can't type in Chinese. It's good to know somebody out there still remember me. I'm sorry to hear what you have been through. It's even so difficult try to imagine. I have a 5 years old daughter (Tia) now. I think I can feel that better. Your voice has not changed, still pleasant. I've looked around and found out that I just don't have much pictures taken in last few years. I will find one and send to you in a few days. One thing I am sure is we all get old now. I don't know if you can recognize me if we meet on the street. Which is fine. We are not movie stars who need "appearance" to make a living. Thanks for looking for me. Hope you smile all the time. We will keep in touch. Paul Hsieh |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |