首先要先感謝這次帶我去環島的angle"Wei"  因為你 讓我有機會見識到寶島之美 
我們都知道開車的人是最辛苦的 尤其這次環島 從台北出發那天起 雨就下個不停 氣候欠佳 人家是"追風箏的孩子" "Tornado Chaser " 或 "storm Chaser " 聽起來都很酷 而我們卻是被大雨 濃霧 狂風 落石 追的旅人 加上學曼因為化療的關係 每天一大早就要用餐 朋友每天跟著早起 陪我吃早餐 甚至親手作羹湯 充滿愛的食物 特別好吃 謝謝你  
從台北出發後 駛向宜蘭 這是朋友第一次行駛雪山隧道 因為隔天要去太平山 所以第一站決定在羅東先落腳 可惜天公不作美 原本想逛羅東夜市的我們 被大雨搗亂了計畫 只好買一些當地美食 帶回飯店去享用了 第二天上山時 雨還是一直落不停 既來之 則安之  出發囉 跟我一起去瞧瞧太平山
那尼@@  不是在太平山嗎?怎麼跑到阿拉斯加去啦!! 哪裡跑出來的愛斯基摩人? 
美吧! 我沒騙你吧! 雨 霧 中的朦朧 另類之美 詩情畫意 羨慕嗎? 下次大家跟著學曼一起去遊山玩水吧 待續.........................  
夏學曼的小檔案  引用文章─═☆EG☆═─ 超簡單自製小圖示 III-個人紀念金幣 謝謝風二少風城的【素材房】提供的圖片
歌名:Suddenly I See 主唱:KT TUNSTALL Her face is a map of the world Is a map of the world You can see she's a beautiful girl She's a beautiful girl And everything around her is a silver pool of light The people who surround her feel the benefit of it It makes you calm She holds you captivated in her palm
Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) This is what I wanna be Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) Why the hell it means so much to me ?
And I feel like walking the world Like walking the world And you can hear she's a beautiful girl She's a beautiful girl She fills up every corner like she's born in black and white Makes you feel warmer when you're trying to remember What you heard She likes to leave you hanging on a word
Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) This is what I wanna be Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) Why the hell it means so much to me ?
And she's taller than most And she's looking at me I can see her eyes looking from a page in a magazine She makes me feel like I could be a tower A big strong tower Yeah She got the power to be The power to give The power to see Yeah Yeah ?
Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) This Is what I wanna be Suddenly I see (Suddenly I see) Why The Hell it means so much to me ?
Suddenly I see.....