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【本周活動優惠中】Brevi Highchair B.Fun 活動搶折扣
2019/01/18 18:19:11瀏覽14|回應0|推薦0

不過剛好最近家裡的舊的Brevi Highchair B.Fun


寶貝說他同事也有買 ,兩個禮拜下來感覺真的很不錯喔!!

所以我跟寶貝馬上googe一下,找看看有沒有Brevi Highchair B.Fun













Brevi Highchair B.Fun 設計式樣: Bamboo Green · 2018


The Brevi highchair B.Fun accompanies you and your little sunshine from birth up to the age of three years. This highchair is a versatile all-rounder that can be used as a comfortable place for your little one to lie in or to be rocked in during his first weeks and months. The soft seat insert contributes to even more comfort.

The backrest of the B.Fun can be adjusted from a sitting position into a recline position. In order to ensure optimum seating and lying comfort, you can adjust the footrest accordingly. The convenient lockable casters are perfect for moving the highchair from one room into another. This way, your little one can enjoy being close to you, taking a peaceful nap, exploring and marvelling at the play bar and taking his meals later on.

The child-oriented play bar which features toys that can be removed, contributes to versatile entertainment. If it's time for your little one's puree, you can easily detach the play bar. The two-part tray can be attached to the frame of the highchair in three different positions. The two built-in drink holders are perfect for keeping your little one's bottle safe. All parts of the highchair can be cleaned easily - perfect for mastering everyday life with a little explorer. If not in use, you can store the tray effortlessly on the back of the B.Fun.

In order to ensure that your child can enjoy his meals together with mom and dad at the table, you can easily adjust the B.Fun's height in four different levels so that it matches the height of the table. A storage net on the chair legs is perfect for keeping your little one's bib or smaller toys easy to reach. Safety and support are provided by the built-in five-point harness.

Two keystrokes are enough to fold the B.Fun into a small and compact size. If not used, the compact unit finds a small place in every flat and thus doesn't bother anybody by taking away too much space. High-quality workmanship - from multi-coloured, to plain - the versatile highchair B.Fun is a real all-rounder made in Italy.


  • Age suitability: from birth up to approx. 3 years

  • Available in various designs

  • Including removable seat insert, five-point harness, removable play bar, 2-part tray with 2 drink holder, storage net

  • Backrest can be adjusted in three different positions until it reaches a full recline position

  • Height adjustment in four different positions

  • Footrest can be adjusted in three different positions

  • Two lockable casters

  • Two keystrokes for folding highchair into small size

  • Size unfolded: H 93 - 108 x W 64 x D 85 cm, folded: 105 x 31 cm

  • Weight: 11 kg

  • Made in Italy




Brevi Highchair B.Fun





澳洲Q3 GDP增長急遽放緩 澳幣走跌

澳洲統計局週三 (5 日) 公布數據顯示,第 3 季 GDP 季增 0.3%,為兩年以來最疲弱的增幅,年增 2.8%。經濟增長放緩的主因為商業建築下滑,以及家庭支出增長減緩,使澳洲央行經濟前景蒙上陰影,明年升息成未定之數。

澳洲第 3 季 GDP 季增 0.3%,僅達經濟學家預期的一半,第 2 季 GDP 季增未經調整仍為 0.9%。GDP 年增 2.8% 至 1.8 兆澳幣 (1.32 兆美元),低於預期值 3.3%。

經濟增長數據不如預期,使澳幣走跌,截至 5 日台灣時間上午 10 時許,澳幣兌美元下滑 0.34%,暫報 0.7314。

澳洲 Q3 家庭支出增長的急遽下滑,是導致經濟增長數據疲弱的主因,澳洲 Q3 家庭支出季增為 0.3%,前一季為 0.9%;家庭儲蓄比率下滑至 2.4%,為 2007 年以來的新低,此比率為儲蓄佔家庭收入的比例,這代表著消費者正在挪用儲蓄,以支付必須消費。

在雪梨和墨爾本地區房價持續下跌之際,房貸壓力正在侵蝕消費者的財富,同一時間,緩慢的工資增長情況,在短時間並未有改善的跡象,使得家庭支出疲弱,第 3 季平均工資增長僅為 0.2%。

非住宅建築第 3 季增長減少 3.8%,主要由於挖擴和能源的項目已完成。政府基礎建設支出為支撐第 3 季經濟增長的主因。

澳洲正房市價格持續大跌、工資增長疲弱與通膨攀升力道不強勁,為經濟增長前景隱憂,澳洲央行在 4 日決策利率維持在歷史低點 1.5%。經濟學家認為,第 3 季疲弱的經濟增長數劇,代表著央行並不急於緊縮貨幣政策。

Capital Economics 的分析師 Marcel Thieliant 指出,這些數據代表著經濟增長遠不及澳洲央行的預期,若 GDP 增長在第 4 季回升至 0.6%,全年增長也僅達 2.9%,不如央行預期的 3.5% 增幅。

Capital Economics 認為,房價崩盤所帶來的全面影響,以及信貸緊縮的情況,還未完全反映在經濟增長上,因此他們預測澳洲 2019 年的 GDP 增長率將進一步放緩至 2.5%。


神準第六感!她夢見老公外遇 隔天跳出訊息「人妻剃毛洗澡」





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一家3口遊日本 在妻小面前被上銬



Brevi Highchair B.Fun

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( 心情隨筆男女話題 )
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