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Christ, Our Food, Our Life
2009/11/16 16:25:24瀏覽375|回應0|推薦0

How is it possible for the Triune God to be our life and
blessing? It is not a simple matter for something to become
our life. For example, the food we eat and digest becomes our
life supply. In order for anything to be our life or life
supply, that thing must be organic. If you swallow a stone,
that stone cannot become your life supply, because a stone is
not living and organic. Only something organic can be
digested by us and then assimilated into us to become our
life supply. In a similar way, in order for the Triune God to
be our life supply and even our life, He must come into us to
be digested and assimilated by us. To be sure, the Triune God
is living and organic.

According to chapter six of the Gospel of John, Christ is a
loaf, the bread of life, for us to eat. The Lord Jesus said,
"I am the living bread which came down out of heaven; if
anyone eats of this bread, he shall live forever," (v. 51).
Then He went on to say, "As the living Father sent Me, and I
live because of the Father, so he who eats Me shall also live
because of Me." (v. 57). Any believer who eats the Lord Jesus
as the bread of life will live by Him. When we eat this bread
of life, He comes into us to be digested by us and to be
assimilated into us organically. This is the only way the
Triune God can become our life. The Triune God becomes our
life supply and our life by entering into us organically to
be assimilated into the very fibers of our spiritual being.

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