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2006/11/22 00:47:11瀏覽227|回應0|推薦5




    我想起了車禍生故的張雨生。無辜早夭的邱小妹妹。英年早逝的溫世仁。慘遭歹徒殺害的白曉燕。和平醫院感染 SARS 病逝的醫護人員。多少不凡的大人物、平凡的小人物。他們像流星般吸引人了所有人的注目,民眾期待他們別走,直到不得不走、直到光芒隕落山後。我們難過地將希望換成深深的祝福,祈求上天讓他們在另一個世界裡撫平傷痛、解脫煩惱、一路好走。


    今晚重複聽著 I OU。旋律傳來,很難不去聯想歌詞裡的哀傷...

I O U (Lee Greenwood Lyrics)

You believe that I've changed your life forever
And you're never going to find another somebody like me
And you wish you had more than just a lifetime to give back all I've given you
And that's what you believe

But I OWE YOU the sunlight in the morning
但是 我所虧欠妳的 是清晨的暖陽
And nights of honest loving that time can't take away
與再多時間都帶不走的 我們心靈相依的無數夜晚
And I OWE YOU more than life now more than ever
但是 我所虧欠妳的 比我的生命 更多 更重
I know that it's the sweetest debt I'll ever have to pay
我知道這是我必須用生生世世 永永遠遠

I'm amazed when you say it's me you live for
You know that when I'm holding you, you're right where you belong
And my love, I can't help but smile and wonder
When you tell me all I've done for you cause I've known all along

That I OWE YOU the sunlight in the morning
And nights of honest loving that time can't take away
And I OWE YOU more than life now more than ever
I know that it's the sweetest debt I'll ever have to pay

Oh, I OWE YOU the sunlight in the morning
And nights of honest loving that time can't take away
And I OWE YOU more than life now more than ever
I know that it's the sweetest debt I'll ever have to pay

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