Eugène Joseph Bozza (波札)
1905年, 生於法國 尼斯( Nice ).
他是一位多才多藝的音樂家, 在他就讀 巴黎音樂院期間, 他是個充滿天賦和無限可能的才子. 除了主修作曲之外,同時學習指揮以及小提琴.
並在1924年學期間, 他不僅在作曲組拿到了首獎, 在指揮以及小提琴的也都獲得首獎殊榮. 1934年, 更以 清唱劇 La légende de Roukmāni 獲得 羅馬大獎.他是位多方位的作曲家, 他的作品, 在法國作曲史上具有相當重要的指標地位.以室內樂最為聞名, 其中又以木管作品最受注目.
例如: 給木管五重奏的詼諧曲(Scherzo for woodwind quintet )
風格纖細優雅, 具有較高度技巧性, 卻不失音樂張力及豐富的線條表情, 也充分展現出每個樂器的特色, 表示作曲家對每項樂器深度地了解. 在他旅居義大利( 因獲得羅馬大獎, 到了義大利 )後, 他回到了法國,
擔任 巴黎歌劇院的指揮 , 一直到了1951年, 他搬到了Valenciennes (查不到中文翻譯...) 擔任 Ecole Nacionale de Musique 的指揮, 直到1975年退休.
- 作品:(很多喔...不要嚇到! 以下轉貼自 Wikipedia)
- Fêtes romaines (1939)
- Jeux de plage (1945); in 1 act
- Scherzo (1943)
- Variation libres et finale (1943)
- Rapsodie niçoise (1944)
- Pax triumphans, Symphonic Poem, Op.63 (1945)
- Sinfonietta for String Orchestra, Op.61 (1946)
- Prélude et passacaille (1947)
- Symphonie (1948)
- Children's Overture (1964)
- Symphonie mimée
- Mallorca
- Suite pour un vaudeville, musique de scene pour la Station de Champbaudet
- Danse de la terre
- Voyages, Suite for Orchestra and Piano
- Mikrophonie for 17 Solists
- Figures sonores for 9 Instruments
- Hommage à Rossini
- Marche des moissonneurs
- Cinq mouvements for String Orchestra (1970)
- Symphony No. 1
- Symphony No. 2
- Symphony No. 3
- Symphony No. 4
- Symphony No. 5
- Concertino for Viola and Orchestra (1932)
- Concerto for Violin and Orchestra (1936)
- Concerto for Saxophone and Orchestra (1937)
- Introduzione et toccata for Piano and Orchestra (1938)
- Concertino for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra (1939)
- Prélude et invention for Chamber Orchestra with Piano Obligato, Op.24 (1939)
- Ballade for Tenor Trombone and Orchestra, Op.62 (1944)
- Concertino for Bassoon and Chamber Orchestra, Op.49 (1946)
- Concerto for Cello and Orchestra, Op.57 (1948)
- Concertino for Trumpet and Chamber Orchestra (1949)
- Concerto for Clarinet and Chamber Orchestra (1952)
- Concertino for Piano and Winds (1955)
- Concerto for Violin, Viola, Cello, Winds, Harp and Double Bass (1955)
- Concertino da camera for Flute and String Orchestra (or Piano) (1964)
- Sicilienne et rondo for Piano and Orchestra (1965)
- Concertino for Tuba (or Bass Saxhorn) and Orchestra (1967)
- Atmosphères for 4 Flutes and Chamber Orchestra (1978)
- Rapsodie niçoise for Violin and Orchestra
- Divertissement for Violin Solo, Winds, Celesta and Harp (1989)
Wind band
- Fanfare héroïque for 3 Trumpets, 4 Horns, 3 Trombones, Tuba, Timpani, Drums and Cymbals, Op.46 (1944)
- Ouverture pour une cérémonie for Brass and Percussion (1963)
- Ouverture rythmique (1963)
- Messe solennelle de Sainte Cécile for Brass, Timpani, Organ and Harp (ad lib.) (1968)
- Marche solennelle des X. jeux olympiques d'hiver
- ...des enfants de Valenciennes
- Pax triumphans (transcription for band)
- Léonidas (1947, revised 1974); in 3 acts
- Beppo: ou le mort dont personne ne voulait (1963); opera buffa in 1 act
- La duchesse de langeais (1967); in 4 acts
- Tentation de Saint Antoine (1948)
- Passion de Jesus (1963)
- Le chant de la mine
- La légende de Roukmāni (1934)
- Psaumes for Chorus, Orchestra and Organ (1938)
- Cantate du centenaire
- L'étoile du soir, Chorus for 3 Female Voices and Piano (1946)
- Requiem for Soprano, Tenor and Baritone (1950)
- Messe de sa Sainte té Pie XII for Soprano, Alto, Tenor, and Baritone (1955)
- Messe de requiem for Chorus and Orchestra (1971)
- Messe à trois voix a capella
- Hymne for Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Tenor, Baritone and Piano or Orchestra
- Sur le chemin du moulin for 4 Voices and Piano
Voice and piano
- Cinq chansons Niçoises for Voice and Piano, Op.43 (1942)
- Cinq chansons florentines for High Voice and Piano (1946)
- Colloque séntimental
- Vocalise for Voice and Piano
- Pulcinella, Op.53 (1946)
- Toccata (1956)
- Deux pièces faciles (1962)
- Sonate for 2 Pianos (1963)
- Allegro de concert (1974)
- Esquisse (1979)
- Promenade dans le parc (1979)
- Nocturne sur le lac du Bourget for Violin and Piano, Op.34 (1923)
- 10 Pièces faciles à la première position for Violin and Piano (1935)
- Habañera for Violin (or Cello) and Piano (1935)
- Sérénade espagnole for Violin (or Cello) and Piano (1935)
- Aria for Alto Saxophone (or Flute or Clarinet or Violin or Cello) and Piano (1936)
- Parthie for Viola Solo (1967)
- Improvisation Burlesque for Viola and Piano (1968)
- Habañera for Violin (or Cello) and Piano (1935)
- Sérénade espagnole for Violin (or Cello) and Piano (1935)
- Aria for Alto Saxophone (or Flute or Clarinet or Violin or Cello) and Piano (1936)
- Orphéus for Cello Solo (published 1993)
Double Bass
- Allegro et finale for Double Bass (or Tuba or Bass Saxhorn or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1953)
- Prélude et allegro for Double Bass (or Tuba or Bass Saxhorn or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1953)
- Pièce sur le nom d'Édouard Nanny for Double Bass and Piano (1956)
- 8 Études for Double Bass (1976)
- Improvisation sur le nom de Marcel Tournier (1979)
- Rondino et menuet (1991)
- Concertino for Guitar and String Quartet (1969)
- Deux impressions Andalouses for Guitar (1969)
- Trois préludes for Guitar (1970)
- Aria for Alto Saxophone (or Flute or Clarinet or Violin or Cello) and Piano (1936)
- Fantaisie italienne for Clarinet (or Flute or Oboe) and Piano (1939)
*這首曲子, 在長笛界中, 法國作品裡佔有相當重要的地位!
一首作品, 總共有三種樂器演奏版本.(給豎笛, 給長笛, 給雙簧管)
6/8拍 及2/4拍的交錯, 及裝飾華美風格, 展現義大利的優閒輕鬆, 以及海島國家特有的浪漫!
是大小比賽, 表演和考試的熱門曲目!
- Image for Flute Solo (1939)
- Agrestide for Flute and Piano, Op.44 (1942)
- Soir dans les montagnes for Flute and Piano (1946)
- Trois cadences pour le concerto in sol pour flûte de Mozart (1949)
- Air pastoral for Flute (or Oboe) and Piano (1953)
- Jour d'été à la montagne for Flute Quartet (1953)
- Ronde for Flute Quartet (1953)
- Trois impressions for Flute and Piano (1953)
- 14 Études-arabesques for Flute (1960)
- Deux impressions for Flute and Harp (1967)
- Deux esquisses for Flute Quartet (1972)
- Dialogue for Flute and Piano (1972)
- 10 Études sur des modes karnatiques (10 Studies in Karnatic Modes) for Flute (1972)
- Air de vielle for Flute (or Oboe) and Piano (1976)
- Berceuse for Flute (or Oboe) and Piano (1976)
- Quatre pièces faciles for Flute and Piano (1976)
- Cinq chansons sur des thèmes japonais for Flute and Piano (1978)
- Interlude for Recorder (Soprano / Alto) Solo or Flute Solo (1978)
- Phorbéia for Flute Solo (1978)
- Trois pièces for Flute Quartet (1979)
- 3 Évocations for 2 Flutes (1988)
- Le chant de forêts
- Aux bonds du torrent
- Pastorale
- Interlude for Recorder (Soprano / Alto)
- Solo or Flute Solo (1978)
Oboe / English Horn
- Divertissement for English Horn (or Alto Saxophone) and Piano, Op.39 (1939)
- Fantaisie italienne for Clarinet (or Flute or Oboe) and Piano (1939)
- Fantaisie pastorale for Oboe and Piano, Op.37 (1939)
- 18 Études for Oboe (1950)
- Air pastoral for Oboe (or Flute) and Piano (1953)
- Conte pastorale for Oboe and Piano (1953)
- Lied for English Horn and Piano (1954)
- Sonate for Oboe and Piano (1971)
- Suite monodique for Oboe Solo (1971)
- 14 Études sur des modes karnatiques (14 Studies in Karnatic Modes) for Oboe Solo (1972)
- Air de vielle for Oboe (or Flute) and Piano (1976)
- Berceuse for Oboe (or Flute) and Piano (1976)
- Pastorale for Oboe and Piano (1979)
Clarinet / Bass Clarinet
- Aria for Alto Saxophone (or Flute or Clarinet or Violin or Cello) and Piano (1936)
- Fantaisie italienne for Clarinet (or Flute or Oboe) and Piano (1939)
- Pulcinella for Clarinet (or Alto Saxophone) and Piano (1944)
- 14 Études de mecanisme for Clarinet (1948)
- Bucolique for Clarinet and Piano (1949)
- Claribel for Clarinet and Piano (1952)
- 12 Études for Clarinet (1953)
- Idylle for Clarinet and Piano (1959)
- Prélude et divertissement for Clarinet (or Alto Saxophone) and Piano (1960)
- Caprice-improvisation for Clarinet and Piano (1963)
- Lucioles for 6 Clarinets (1963)
- Divertissement for Clarinet and Piano, Op.39 (1964)
- Ballade for Bass Clarinet and Piano (1967)
- Épithalame for Clarinet and Piano (1971)
- Sonatine for Clarinet Quartet (1971); also for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon
- 11 Études sur des modes karnatiques (11 Studies in Karnatic Modes) for Clarinet (1972)
- Suite for Clarinet and Piano (1973)
- Rapsodie niçoise for Clarinet and Piano (1977)
- Récit, sicilienne et rondo for Bassoon and Piano (1936)
- Fantaisie for Bassoon and Piano (1945)
- 15 Études journalières for Bassoon (1945)
- Divertissement for 3 Bassoons (1954)
- Duettino for 2 Bassoons (1954)
- Burlesque for Bassoon and Piano (1957)
- Espièglerie for Bassoon and Piano (1960)
- Prélude et divertissement for Bassoon and Piano (1960)
- Nocturne-danse for Bassoon (or Alto Saxophone) and Piano (1967)
- 12 Caprices for Bassoon Solo (1968)
- Pièces brèves for Bassoon Solo (1968)
- 11 Études sur des modes karnatiques (11 Studies in Karnatic Modes) for Bassoon (1972)
- Shiva for Bassoon and Piano (1974)
- Cadenza for Bassoon and Piano
- Aria for Alto Saxophone (or Flute or Clarinet or Violin or Cello) and Piano (1936)
- Andante et Scherzo for Saxophone Quartet (1938)
- Divertissement for Alto Saxophone (or English Horn) and Piano, Op.39 (1939)
- 12 Études-caprices for Saxophone (1944)
- Pulcinella for Alto Saxophone (or Clarinet) and Piano, Op.53 No.1 (1944)
- Scaramouche for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1944)
- Nuages, Scherzo for Saxophone Quartet (1946)
- Improvisation et caprice for Saxophone Solo (1952)
- Impromptu et danse for Alto Saxophone (or Baryton Saxophone) and Piano (1954)
- Pièce brève for Alto Saxophone Solo (1955)
- Prélude et divertissement for Alto Saxophone (or Clarinet) and Piano (1960)
- Chanson à bercer for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1964)
- Gavotte des demoiselles for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1964)
- La campanile for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1964)
- Menuet des pages for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1964)
- Parade des petits soldats for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1964)
- Petite gavotte for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1964)
- Rêves d'enfant for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1964)
- Nocturne-danse for Alto Saxophone (or Bassoon) and Piano (1967)
- Tarentelle for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1968)
- Diptyque for Alto Saxophone and Piano (1970)
- Pièce concertante for Tenor Saxophone and Piano
- En forêt for Horn and Piano (or Orchestra), Op.40 (1941)
- En Irlande for Horn and Piano (1951)
- Suite for Horn Quartet (1952)
- Chant lointain for Horn and Piano (1957)
- Sur les cimes for Horn and Piano (1960)
- 18 Études en forme d'improvisation for Horn (1961)
- Entretiens for Horn and Piano (1974)
Trumpet / Cornet
- Caprice No.1 for Trumpet and Piano, Op.47 (1943)
- Badinage for Trumpet and Piano (1950)
- 16 Études for Trumpet, Bugle or Cornet (1950)
- Dialogue for 2 Trumpets (1954)
- Rustiques for Cornet or Trumpet and Piano (1955)
- Rapsodie for Trumpet and Piano (1957)
- Cornettina for Cornet or Trumpet and Piano (1965)
- Frigariana for Trumpet and Piano (1967)
- 11 Études sur des modes karnatiques (11 Studies in Karnatic Modes) for Trumpet (1972)
- Lied for Trumpet and Piano (1976)
- Caprice No.2 for Trumpet and Piano (1978)
- Ballade for Trombone and Piano (1944)
- Allegro et finale for Bass Trombone (or Double Bass or Tuba or Bass Saxhorn) and Piano (1953)
- Prélude et allegro for Bass Trombone (or Double Bass or Tuba or Bass Saxhorn) and Piano (1953)
- 13 Études-caprices for Trombone (1956)
- Hommage à Bach for Trombone and Piano (1957)
- Thème varié for Bass Trombone (or Tuba or Bass Saxhorn) and Piano (1957)
- New Orleans for Bass Trombone (or Tuba or Bass Saxhorn) and Piano (1962)
- 3 Pièces for Trombone Quartet (Tuba ad lib.) (1964)
- Ciaccona for Trombone and Piano (1967)
- 11 Études sur des modes karnatiques (11 Studies in Karnatic Modes) for Trombone (1972)
Bass saxhorn
- Allegro et finale for Bass Saxhorn (or Double Bass or Tuba or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1953)
- Prélude et allegro for Bass Saxhorn (or Double Bass or Tuba or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1953)
- Thème varié for Bass Saxhorn (or Tuba or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1957)
- New Orleans for Bass Saxhorn (or Tuba or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1962)
- Allegro et finale for Tuba (or Double Bass or Bass Saxhorn or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1953)
- Prélude et allegro for Tuba (or Double Bass or Bass Saxhorn or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1953)
- Thème varié for Tuba (or Bass Saxhorn or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1957)
- New Orleans for Tuba (or Bass Saxhorn or Bass Trombone) and Piano (1962)
- Rythmic for Timpani, Percussion and Piano, Op.70 (1948)
- Rhapsodie sur des airs japonais for Timpani, Xylophone, Vibraphone, Percussion and Piano (1978)
- Vanaspati for 12 Percussionists and Xylophone ad lib. (1979)
- Rag Music for Timpani, Glockenspiel, Xylophone, Marimba, Vibraphone, Percussion and Piano (1981)
- Trois esquisses japonaises for Percussion
- Sonatine for Flute and Bassoon (1938)
- Ricercare for Violin and Cello (1959)
- Polydiaphonie for Flute and Guitar (1972)
- Quatre esquisses for Trumpet and Trombone (1974)
- Trois mouvements for Flute and Clarinet (1974)
- Berceuse et sérénade for Flute and Guitar (1976)
- Sonatine for Viola and Cello (1976)
- Contrastes I for Flute and Bassoon (1977)
- Contrastes II for Oboe and Bassoon (1977)
- Contrastes III for Clarinet and Bassoon (1977)
- Contrastes IV for Trumpet and Horn (1977)
- Trois essais for Trombone and Percussion (1977)
- Trois pièces for Flute and Guitar (1977)
- Trois pièces for Flute and Oboe (or Flute) (published 1990)
- Fughette, sicilienne, rigaudon for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (1934)
- Suite brève en trio for Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (1947)
- Sérénade en trio for Flute, Clarinet and Bassoon (1971)
- Quatuor en la for String Quartet (1946)
- 3 Pièces pour une musique de nuit for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (1954)
- Sérénade pour quatuor à vent for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (1969)
- Sonatine pour quatuor à vent for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet and Bassoon (1971)
- Trois pièces pour quatuor de cuivres for 2 Trumpets, Horn and Trombone (1977)
- Variations sur un thème libre for Woodwind Quintet, Op.42 (1943)
- Scherzo for Woodwind Quintet, Op.48 (1944)
- Sonatine for Brass Quintet (1951)
- Giration for Brass Quintet (1967)
- Suite française for Brass Quintet (1967)
- Suite [No.2] for Brass Quintet (1967)
- Pentaphonie for Woodwind Quintet (1969)
- Trilogie for Brass Quintet (1969)
- Trois mouvements for 2 Trumpets (or Cornets), Horn, Trombone and Tuba (1979)
- Quand les muses collaborent for Woodwind Quintet
Larger ensembles
- Symphonie da camera for 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Bassoons and 2 Horns (1960)
- Bis for 2 Trumpets, 2 Horns, Trombone and Tuba (or Bass Saxhorn) (1963)
- Quatre mouvements pour septuor à vent for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Trumpet and Trombone (1970)
- Octanphonie for 2 Oboes, 2 Clarinets, 2 Horns and 2 Bassoons (1972)
- Prélude et chaconne for 3 Trumpets, 4 Horns, 3 Trombones, Tuba, Timpani, Bass Drum and Gong (1976)
- Trois pièces pour septuor de cuivres for 2 Trumpets, Horn, 3 Trombones and Tuba (1985)
- Trois pièces for 4 Trombones, Bass Trombone and Tuba
- Cappricio sur le nom de Claude Delvincourt for 12 Wind Instruments
- Symphonie de chambre for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon, Horn, Harp, Celesta and Piano
資料來源: Wikipedia&
&怡謙學姊音樂會節目冊 & 上課筆記