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《謎樣的雙眼》(2009 西班牙片),榮獲2010奧斯卡最佳外語片。 眼睛是靈魂之窗,言語表情或動作或許可以掩飾內心的想法,但是眼神卻無法遮掩真實的自我。 The Secret in Their Eyes (2009) "El secreto de sus ojos" (original title) A retired legal counselor writes a novel hoping to find closure for one of his past unresolved homicide cases and for his unreciprocated love with his superior - both of which still haunt him decades later. Director: Juan José Campanella Writers: Eduardo Sacheri, Juan José Campanella, Stars: Ricardo Darín(Benjamín Esposito), Soledad Villamil(Irene Menéndez Hastings), Pablo Rago(Ricardo Morales), Carla Quevedo(Liliana Coloto) Javier Godino(Isidoro Gómez) Quotes: Pablo Sandoval: A guy can change anything. His face, his home, his family, his girlfriend, his religion,his God. But there's one thing he can't change. He can't change his passion... 人的一生或許可以改變任何事情,人的外貌,居住的地方,家人,女友,信仰,上帝等,但是唯一不會改變的就是對喜愛是物的熱情。。。 Ricardo Morales: If you keep going over the past, you're going to end up with a thousand pasts and no future. 如果你反覆地回想過去,你就會活在過去而沒有未來。 Ricardo Morales: Choose carefully. Memories are all we end up with. At least pick the nice ones. 小心選擇。選擇好的回憶。 Benjamín Esposito: He ran to the end of the train and watched as her figure, once gigantic, now shrank in his eyes, but grew more than ever in his heart. 他跑到火車最後一節車廂尾端,看著她的人影,由巨大逐漸縮小,卻深植心中。 Benjamín Esposito: You see? I don't want to miss another chance. How is it possible? How can I do nothing about it? I've been asking myself for 25 years and I've only been able to come up with one answer. "Forget it, it was another lifetime. It's over, don't ask." It wasn't another lifetime. It was this one. It is this one. Now I want to understand. How can someone live an empty life? How do you live a life full of nothing? 知道嘛,我不想錯失任何良機。怎麼可能?我甚麼都沒去做?25 年來我不斷地問自己,卻都是同一個答案:[忘了吧,那已經是另一個人生了。結束了,別再問了。]結果,那並非另一段人生,那一直就是我活的這個人生。我現在明瞭了,人怎能白白地過一輩子,一個甚麼都不是的人生? 【小記】 【謎樣的雙眼】猶如阿根廷版的【竊聽風暴】,以懸疑的氣氛重拾主角逝去的愛情、死亡和友誼,廣泛牽涉到人類的記憶傷痛,正義及人性各層面,是部結構紮實、感動人心的電影。本片因出色的演員、劇本及導演風格贏得奧斯卡評審一致讚賞,擊敗【白色緞帶】、【大獄言家】等強敵,一舉奪下小金人。 【謎樣的雙眼】改編自薩契瑞(Eduardo Sacheri)的小說「秘密」(The Secret)。電影開場時呈現1999年南美洲的政治氣息,以倒敘手法回到政變前幾年,當時一名警官正在調查一宗遭強暴少婦的離奇謀殺案。整部電影以強暴案、社會亂象、愛情故事三線緊扣,重現七○與九○年代的時代氛圍,是阿根廷電影25年來首度獲得奧斯卡大獎肯定,於本國上映時媲美台灣【海角七號】,締造連續11週上映奇蹟,票房成績榮登影史第二。 |
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