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2015/10/16 15:12:51瀏覽635|回應0|推薦2 | |
BMW寶馬--Ultimate Driving Machine. / Sheer Driving Pleasure. Benz奔馳-- The best or nothing. 領導時代,駕馭未來 Volks wagon福斯--Think small. TOYOTA --Moving Forward.(台灣、美國) / Drive Your Dreams.(日本) Aston Martin 奧斯頓•馬丁--Power, beauty and soul. Jaguar--Grace, space, pace. The art of performance. Mitsubishi Motors Outlander--看見不一樣的人生風景 Nissan日產--Shift the future. 改變未來 Honda本田--The power of dreams. Ford福特--你的世界,從此無界。 Audi--進化科技,定義未來 LEXUS凌志--專注完美,近乎苛求 Harley Davidson哈雷摩托車--American by birth. Rebel by choice. Suzuki鈴木--Way of life Hyundai現代-- Drive your way / New thinking New possibilities Skoda--德制經典 百年工藝 Subaru速霸陸:Think. Feel. Drive Mac Pro蘋果桌上型電腦--Beauty outside. Beast inside. Google--Don't be evil. Blogger部落格服務--Push button publishing.(Google公司所有) IBM--Solutions for a small planet. ASUS華碩--Inspiring Innovation,Persistent Perfection(華碩品質 堅若磐石) Sony--Make believe. Sony / Someone needs you ! Nokia--Connecting people. Imax--Think big.(一種更大、更高解析度的電影放映系統) Playstation sony遊戲主機--Live in your world. Play in ours. Nintendo 64任天堂--Get N or get out. Panasonics國際牌--Ideas for Life LG-- Life's Good Philips飛利浦--Sense and Simplicity精於心,簡於形 SAMSUNG三星--everyone’s invited. 數字世界,人人分享 Siemens西門子--This is how 知其道,明其妙 Toshiba東芝--Leading Innovation Intel英特爾--Leapahead 超越未來 EPSON愛普生--Exceed your vision Dell戴爾--Yours is here NEC--Empowered by innovation HP惠普--Invent |
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