I just finished part four of five of a long running serial I'm doing and I'm helping write a story collaboration Medilase. Since I last talked about what I was writing I got another commission - this one as more of a vignette or very short story . I'll be doing this next, likely some time in the next few days. After that, on my plate is my very long Ogre-themed storyswap and my story contest winner dermes, which I assure you I have not forgotten my last post - who was the cute girl in the picture ? It was Linsey Ward, one of the most beautiful women of all time in my book .
Today we have Kelsey Olson, another one of my personal favorites. The pictures don't relate exactly to what I'm writing but I figured people might enjoy them Health supplement. What do you think? Should I occasionally sprinkle in pictures in my blog posts or is that just a distraction?