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2009/04/05 07:10:04瀏覽930|回應0|推薦0 | ||||||||
太公在德州近四年﹐最大的一個遺憾﹐就是三年前﹐剛到德州山馬可市﹐美國銀行老友捎來一信息﹐提供休士頓四百四十二單位的公寓﹐願意以三百三十萬讓予太公﹔九十多趴為二房﹐平均每單位月租七百美元﹐換言之﹐每月房租收入﹐高過地產金律十倍﹐一年即可回本﹐一個大賺良機。 當時太公盤算﹐卻只能籌到五十萬現款(仍然一把老骨頭﹐不肯向太婆啟口求援)﹐人窮刀小﹐只能眼睜睜看著它過去。否則﹐現在太公可是坐擁半千單位房的『小款』(絕難入老美大款級﹐不敢學兩岸井蛙膨風)﹐什麼老丏說的『多花時間﹐多買幾棟房』﹖就是個大笑話。 人間處處是機會﹐人在家中坐﹐如果用腦智﹐錢還是自上門追求您﹐若是出去消遙遊﹐也是路上大小玉石﹐俯拾皆是啊﹗就看您學養鑑賞力夠不夠。 何必往大家瘋狂處擠﹐一窩風大陸熱﹖一心大陸捧胡屁股﹐還是上海二奶去『叩』頭﹖人間固然海海《台語》啊﹗人間也是海闊天空任傲遊﹐俗輩雞鴨﹐就算打子罵娘﹐換來北京城當個駙馬爺﹐那又如何﹖徒然似秦世美﹐遺憾在青史耳。 台諺﹕『一枝草一點露』﹐天無絕人之路﹐只有人自作孽不可活。太公老台土狗﹐廖添丁個性﹐那兒看淡清冷﹐就往那兒燒灶﹐溫暖他人。 CONSTRUCTION DOWN NOW, SUPPLY DOWN LATER AUSTIN (Austin American-Statesman) – Figures show that Central Texas builders have started 47 percent fewer homes in first quarter 2009 than the same period last year, a trend some say could lead to a housing shortage in the near future. Builders started 1,215 homes from January through March compared with 2,297 a year earlier, according to a report issued Wednesday from market research firm Residential Strategies Inc. Additionally, new home construction in Central Texas last year fell to its lowest level since 1997, with builders starting 8,987 houses. In 2006, they started 16,802. The tightening market is affecting prices as well. In the first quarter, the median price for a new home under construction in the Austin area was $216,448, up from $212,897 a year ago. With comparatively few homes going up and builders selling off their supply, it would currently take 5.3 months to sell all the new homes on the market. A six-month supply is considered balanced. Local developer Terry Mitchell says that with the latest figures showing nearly twice as many new homes sold as started, this market may get tighter sooner than he imagined, adding that some areas could face a shortage of lots and homes in 12 to 18 months. RECESSION HITS CLOSER TO HOME COLLEGE STATION (Real Estate Center) – The national recession has started to choke the Texas economy. The U.S. economy lost more than four million jobs or 3.1 percent of its labor force from February 2008 to February 2009. Over the same period, the Texas economy lost 73,000 jobs or 0.7 percent of its labor force. The state’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 4.5 percent in February 2008 to 6.5 percent in February 2009. The U.S. seasonally adjusted unemployment rate rose from 4.8 percent to 8.1 percent during the same period. Despite recent decreases in oil prices, the Texas oil and natural gas industry has remained a bright spot in the state’s economy and continues to create jobs. The industry added 15,600 new jobs, a 7 percent growth rate from February 2008 to February 2009, ranking first among Texas industries. But the average number of active rotary rigs has substantially decreased from 890.4 in March 2008 to 484.2 in March 2009 according to Hughes Tool Co. Eleven Texas metro areas experienced positive employment growth rates from February 2008 to February 2009 while 12 metro areas experienced net job losses. Petroplexes Odessa and Midland ranked first and second in job creation followed by Killeen–Temple–Fort Hood, Tyler, and College Station–Bryan. The state’s actual unemployment rate in February 2009 was 6.6 percent. Midland had the lowest unemployment rate followed by Amarillo, Lubbock, College Station–Bryan and Abilene HOUSING MARKETS SEE LOW DEPRECIATION RISK WALNUT CREEK, Calif. (PMI Group) – Mortgage insurance firm PMI Group has estimated the future state of Texas' housing markets in its fourth quarter 2008 U.S. Market Risk Index. The report focuses on where markets will be two years from now and calculates risk of home price depreciation. The firm predicts that Austin–Round Rock has a risk index of 17.4, or a 17.4 percent chance of experiencing price declines in its housing market within the next two years. That is up from its 5.4 percent chance in third quarter 2008. San Antonio has a risk index of 3.8, up from its 1 percent chance of price depreciation. Houston–Sugar Land–Baytown has a risk index of 2.7, up from less than one in third quarter 2008. Dallas–Fort Worth has the lowest risk index of the major Texas metros, with a 2.5 percent chance that its home prices will decline over the next two years, up from a less than 1 percent chance. For the complete PMI U.S. Market Risk Index, see PMI’s fourth quarter statistics. |
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