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2009/02/10 11:01:32瀏覽506|回應0|推薦1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
您寫個半天﹐就是漏掉這句樓下回應文中標紅的重點﹕『It is just too little to be enough to lead us out of the financial mess 』。所以﹐您反駁太公的話﹐都是白寫啦﹗ 您的反駁﹐漏掉這句標紅的重點﹐就不能直擊重點﹐都是擦邊話﹐自話自說﹗因為太公一貫反對老美政客的政策﹕去年春給六百退稅款﹐今年又老套重演﹐當然無法同意您心愛重寵的小馬『紅包』(但太公守諾﹐一言不評)。對吧﹖太公反對給六百美元﹐您我立場相同﹐您盡在那個『同意』的空間層次打屁﹐在打空包彈啊﹖何不跳出那框﹐就不同﹐據理以爭﹖ 古人言﹕『三年之艾治七年之病』﹐說明藥量不足的結果﹔也說『治亂世用重典』﹐明講藥量法力要用足﹐方足以濟世安民的道理。若給六百元﹐就純如汝言﹐除了買東西純消極消費外﹐能作何用﹖但是若給二萬元﹐是不是就有大大可能好好計劃﹐做些投資行為﹐產生積極作用﹖ 錢要何來﹖請問到目前﹐老美已行或將行的紓困款有多少﹖近一兆七千億美元﹐老美有多少家戶呢﹖約一億﹐對吧﹖就算齊頭式平等法算﹐平均每戶有二萬元﹔若扣除年收入上十五萬家戶﹐則約有三萬紅包。對吧﹖ 先不言當年(1982)比爾蓋茲式積極投資的層次﹐也不議老子『輕政無為』﹐降低(至少是不增)政府苛政猛虎的行政負擔層面﹐僅就您等今日所言『凱子花錢』純消費面觀。 有這樣一筆一次撥足的大款﹐大多數家庭可以買到房屋﹐不用銀行貸款﹐今後月月不必向房東納糧﹐真可媲美國民黨﹐來個『住者有其屋』大德政﹐戶戶每月省下房租至少五百元﹐等於國家月月給這麼多紅包(而事實真相是﹐老美政府將如同台灣政府﹐推行的『耕者有其田』﹐根本一毛未給也。太公若是房屋政策高官﹐非儘能如二十世紀初英國的凱恩盺﹐幹盡炒作買空賣空事﹐更是『凱恩施』《嗯﹖是凱子的『凱』﹖還是社會大哥善霸的慷『慨』﹑聖王德恩﹖您以為那個雙關語好﹖》大筆錢賺﹐可能還會犯法﹐蓋台灣有個啥伊娘列『圖利』國庫罪也)﹐比起一年只給六百退稅款﹐更能『持續長期』剌激經濟十倍有餘。去年春布希給六百﹐大約維繫經濟二﹑三月﹐那現在月月六百﹐最少能給一個二﹑三年緩衝期﹐讓全美各企業作出必要的因應和調適﹐太公說得對吧﹖ 就算不買房﹐也可以付清現金買汔車﹐GM何愁無生意﹐無利可期﹐讓人看衰要倒閉﹖退而言﹐如果客戶有五十趴頭款﹐銀行車商會笨到拒絕給貸款﹖再退而言﹐又何必擔心小孩大學貸款﹐要政府擴大支出﹖更再退言﹐人人都王八蛋﹐拿這錢去買毒品烈酒嫖妓﹐這也是大大激發『私經濟』的活力﹐『公經濟』又豈能靜坐在旁﹐同樣如今死寂不起而待斃﹖ 呵呵呵﹗您又要學專家﹐猛放屁﹐說這是『出賣典當小孩的未來』﹖請回觀歷史﹐在凡爾賽和約後﹐英國揹負多少國債﹖學者專家也如今日般﹐憂心忡忡(您若要資料驗証英國國債及經濟學者時議﹐太公一定奉陪提供)﹐要求大英政府增加稅率﹐平衡預算﹐還好英國政府沒理雞鴨﹐反而輕政減稅﹐方有日後大英日不落國的獨霸盛世﹗所以﹐別學聯網的歪市長﹐狗屁不通﹐老把總体經濟當成個体經濟﹐所表演的當然是豬八戒追東施。對吧﹖ The Main Dishes: Senators' Bullshit! 在聯網的標題是美國參院的狗屎大菜 I agree -- top down has not worked and will not work for this. It needs to be a bottom up. However, its the people at the top making the decision and right now those people are scared and have a "lets take care of ME first and then YOU" mentality.
Thank you, Mark, for being with me out of your loan experience. Recently I am sick and tired of listening to all these "stimulus" plans. But they keep coming out. Here is one of those shits: Private capital: The bailout wildcard A key priority for Tim Geithner's financial cleanup plan is getting private investors to help pick up the tab. Here's how he might be able to do that. Mind you what Ben Bernanke said right before the subprime loan bubble explored? Exactly what Geithner said today: "We need to invite the private investors coming back to the market." But what happened in the past? Can you see the difference between the Obama's wine and the Bush's? Same way of thinking. Well, the same soap TV show is still on. Now in response, allow me release my draft article as follows; and sorry to share this sad invisible "American poverty" scene, I want your pennies first before I talk about those shit plans Obama is planning: Do We Really Care? (Draft) (edit/delete)
[Hint] 1. Give the poor fish is not good enough, such as expends food stamps, medicare or unemployment benefits. Do you know how poor our people are by looking at those pictures? Please give people a real tool to stand up while they are falling down or dying. 2. Please don't just sit there and talk your "lip service." Look at how inefficient our government housing system, if not corrupt. 3. Why those politicians argue fiercely on the issue of "tax credit of $15,000," if there is just "few" people can qualify a bank loan under the current situation? Tell me who can qualify as the first time home buyer based on the fact that we have 70% home ownership. How many people in the rest of 30% can take advantage of it? Rebut me if I am wrong, what the use of spenting so much time over a program if nobody can enjoy it to take the benefits of tax credit? 4. Don't say I am complaining for what I expect nothing for me in the "stimulus" package. For my personal goods, I should be happy about it by seeing no bank is willing to give out home loans. Why? it is good to my real estate game play: seller financing. I just have a mouth too big to concern about our poor folks who can be saved if our government do the right way with half those funds they already spent.
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