今天有看新聞、報紙的人一定有看到這一則news! ---英國6歲女孩驚人歌聲--- 這是一個英國的一個節目-Britain's Got Talent 6歲的Connie Talbot從沒受過專業訓練 家裡只不過是用美金80元買了台卡拉ok唱! 卻可以唱出那麼完美的嗓音! 聽得令EG起雞皮疙瘩的@0@ 快來聽聽Connie Talbot帶來的歌曲: Somewhere over the Rainbow When Connie Talbot, took to the stage, of Britain's Got Talent you could tell the judges were expecting her act to be a joke. But within the first few seconds of her version of Somewhere over the Rainbow, it was obvious something special was happening. Music mogul Simon Cowell was so impressed by Connie's performance, that he preliminarily agreed to sign her up to a seven-figure deal with his own record label, Sony BMG. She's never had a formal singing lesson. Instead, she has had to hone her skills on an $80. karaoke machine. |