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Stylish and modern design: Yunmai Pro Smart Scale
2021/03/06 15:32:09瀏覽4|回應0|推薦0
Stylish, modern design with hidden LED display that elegantly illuminates when you step on the scale. Thanks to the shatter-proof, thin and hardened acrylic glass, as used in the automotive industry, the scale is very robust and strong, despite the reduced design.

YUNMAI PRO excels any previous scales of YUNMAI. The combination of concealed LED display and conductive ITO coating with the whole glass surface, making it a work of art.

Bio-electric Impedance Analysis (BIA) measures Body Fat, Body Weight. BMI, Bone Mass, Muscle Rate, Protein, Visceral Fat, Body Water, Body Age and BMR all through the Advanced ITO glass on top.

More Yunmai newest products,just visit this link: Yunmai Official
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