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Hand Trainer: Yunmai Wrist Ball
2021/03/17 10:33:16瀏覽5|回應0|推薦0
Hand Trainer: Yunmai Wrist Ball The Yunmai Wrist Ball is a hand trainer like this youve probably never seen!

Its really cool to have a modern arm trainer that not only strengthens your wrist muscles, but also looks stylish.

Such an expander is the "gyroball" from Yunmai, a partner company of the MIOT ecosystem.

Its principle of operation is a wheel that rotates around its axis using a special rotor.

By changing the rotation speed, the tension on the arm increases, which allows you to "pump" your muscles.

The Gyrobol is made of durable materials, weighs only 270 grams and is equipped with special lighting.

Plus, this arm trainer is very compact. Its dimensions are 70 x 70 x 55 mm, so you can easily take it with you to work or travel.

More Yunmai newest products,just visit this link:Yunmai Official
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